Tuesday, January 22, 2008


What is PCR?


matt said...

PCR stands for polymerase chain reaction. It is when you replicate DNA outside of the living orgainism. This method uses heat to seperate DNA strands and then the enzyme isolated from the heat-loving bacterium is used to replicate the DNA.

Tristen said...

PCR is Polymerase Chain Reaction. This is used to heat seperate DNA strands and then the enzyme is isolated from the heat-loving bacterium is used to replicate the DNA. This is also used during DNA replication.

..::..Fair..::.. said...

PCR stands for polymerase chain reaction. It allows scientists to replicate millions of copies of a specific DNA. It uses heat to seperate DNA strands and then the enzyme isolated from the heat-loving bacterium is used to replicate the DNA. It like clones DNA.

chelsea said...

PCR stands for polymerase chain reaction. This uses heat to separate DNA strands and then the enzyme, which is used to replicate the DNA, is isolated from the heat-loving bacterium. This clones the DNA.

!*Liz*! said...

PCR stands for Plymerase Chain Reaction and it's used to heat seperate DNA strands which ultimately replicates the DNA. Since scientists have this, they can replicate millions of copies of DNA.

Anonymous said...

it is plymerase chain reaction, it uses heat to seperate DNA strands so scientists can make copies of DNA

crystaldragon said...

PCR stands for polymerase chain reaction. this technigue widely used for in molecular biology. As PCR progresses, the DNA thus generated is itself used as template for replication.

rach said...

pcr is the polymearase chain reaction. it uses heat to separate dna strands which replicate the DNA, b/c scientists have founded pcr they are now able to clone dna and makes thousands copies of dna

~|~Heather~|~ said...

PCR stands for polymerase chain reaction. this is used to replicate DNA outside a living thing. the method id to use heaat to seperate DNA strands and then the enzyme isolated from the heat loving bacterium is used to replicate the DNA