Monday, January 14, 2008


What is polyploidy and why is it so unusual in animals?


Silly Willy said...

Organisms with more than the usual umber of chromosome sets are called polyploid. Its rare in animals and almost always causes death of the zygote. When plants have this they are often larger and more healthy.They plants are usually great commercial power.

Kendall said...

Polyploids are organisms with more than the usual number of chromosome sets in them. Polyploidy is rare in animals because in most cases it causes the death of a zygote. Plants that are larger and healthier than other plants often are called poliploids.

chris said...

A polyploid is an organism with more than the usual number of chromosome sets. It is rare in animals because it usually causes the death of the zygote. But, in plants the fruit and flowers of plants can be larger and more healthy. Plants are often bread with chemicals to cause nonjdisjunction and sold comercially.

~|~Heather~|~ said...

this is when the chromosome number is more than double the basic or haploid number.Polyploidy is rare in most animals because in most cases it causes the death of a zygote.

Kayla said...

Polyploids are organisms with more then the usual number of chromosomes set. Its not usual in animals becuase it kills the zygote. It makes plants healthier.

!*Liz*! said...

Polyploidy is when organisms have multiple numbers of chromosomes. This is good for plants but is rare in animals. It's found in some insects, fishes, amphibians, and reptiles and usually causes death.

..::..Fair..::.. said...

Polyploids are any species with multiple sets of the normal set of chromosomes; results from errors during mitosis or meiosis. It causes deaths of the zygote. When plants have this they are usually larger than normal, and the plants are healthier.

Matt G said...

They have more chromosome then they need. They are called polypliod it is rare in animals. It causes death of the zygote.

matt said...

When an person has polyploid then they have an unusual number of chromosome sets. If animals get this disease then they are likely of dieing. When plants get this disease though it is likely for them to become more healthy and become a mature plant.

Anonymous said...

Polyploids have more chromosomes in them then they're suppost to have. They're rare because it causes death in the zygote.

Tristen said...

Polyploidy is when organisms have more than the usual number of chromosome sets. It is rare in animals because it almost always causes death of the zygote. It does occur a lot in plants though.