Thursday, January 24, 2008

DNA Extraction

Today we are going to do a DNA extraction lab, but yesterday you where able to do a virtual lab which walked you through the steps. So, what are the steps for DNA extraction?


..::..Fair..::.. said...

There are four steps to DNA extraction. The first was collect the cells (today we are going to use banana cells). Then, it is burst cells open to release DNA. Next, separate DNA from proteins and debris. Finally is isolate concentrated DNA. Those are the steps to DNA extraction.

Silly Willy said...

FIrst you have to collect the cells that you want to use. Then you add some water and mix them together in a centromere. The you add a mixture of salt to burst the DNA open. Now you take the protein and rest of debris out. THen all you have left is concentrated DNA.

Kendall said...

DNA extraction has four steps in it. The first thing you have to do is collect the cells. Then you we need to add a solution to the cells and then mix them together. After that we need to take all the protein and debris out. Then you are left with the DNA

Bierman said...

FIrst you have to collect the cells that you want to use. Then you add some water and mix them together in a centromerge. The you add a mixture of salt to burst the DNA open. Now you take the protein and rest of debris out. THen all you have left is concentrated DNA.

SMAX said...

First you collect the cells. then you add water and mix them in the centerfuge. the add a mixture of salt to burts the DNA open. Then you take the protein and th rest of the debris. then you have to concentrate the DNA.

chris said...

The first thing that we did was to collect the cells you want to get DNA from. Then you add water to the cells and put it into a centrifuge. Then you add a salt mixture to burst open and release the DNA. Then you separate the DNA from the debris and proteins. Then you have your DNA.

bean said...

first collect the cells. next you add some h2o and mix. then add some salt and then eat it. now take the protein out and you gots dna.

Gil said...

you have to get all the cells. then mix them into water. with salt and it opens the cells and the DNA comes out. the you can also get the protein out and you only have the DNA left so then you can finish reading it

Tiffany said...

Use micropipettors to add lysis solution to the test tube containing DNA. Then place the tube into the water. That disrupts the cell membrane and nuclear envelope, And it releases DNA. The DNA is still tightly wrapped around proteins. The DNA is no longer in the cells. Then you add concentrated salt solution. Then you put it in the centrifuge to remove the debris. Then you put the DNA in a new tube. Then you add isopropyl alcohol to the tube and shake it. When you use the centrifuge, make sure to offset the tube with water on the opposite side. Then drain the water, and you are done.

matt said...

First we have to get cells out of the test subject. Then we want to burst the cell so we can get the DNA out of the cell. Then we seperate the DNA and the protien along with the debris. The once they are seperated you can see the DNA and test it.

Tristen said...

The four step process of DNA extraction are:to collect the cells, burst the cells open to release the DNA, seperate the DNA from the proteins and debris, and last isolate the DNA.

chelsea said...

First collect the cells that you will be testing. Then you go through the processes to burst open the cells and release DNA. Then separate the DNA from proteins and debris. Finally, you isolate the concentrated DNA and there you go you have your DNA of the cell.

~|~Heather~|~ said...

there are 4 steps DNA. there is is to collect the DNA, then there is burstin the cells open. After that there you have to separate the DNA from the protiens and debris. and last you have to isolate concentrated DNA.

Kayla said...

The first step is to collect the cells that need to use. NExt you have to add some water and mix them together in the centromere. Then you add a mixture of salt to open the DNA. Finally you take the protein and the debris out. Those are the steps for a DNA extraction.

sweet said...

At first we collect the cells then add water and salt and mix it then separate DNA from proteins and debris.Then we will have concentrated DNA.

Anonymous said...

get the cells from what ever you are doing the test on, then you add water and salt then you isolate it and there is the concentrated DNA.

rach said...

there are four steps of DNA extraction, those steps include: collecting the cells, bursting the cells to release the DNA, separate the DNA from the proteins and the small debris, and then isolate the DNA