Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Which is better?

Between a point mutation and a frameshift mutation which one would be less harmful?


matt said...

A point mutation because it doesn't change the strand it just changes a letter. In the book it says that animals can likely live through point mutation. In frameshift mutation though they said they have an unlikely chance of surviving.

Silly Willy said...

Point mutations are less harmful than a frameshift mutation. A Frameshift mutation shifts the reading of codons by one base. Animals can often live with a point mutation. A point mutation is just a change in single base pair of DNA.

Matt G said...

It is a point militation. It does not effect the entire DNA. The frameshift mutationeffect the entire DNA.

Kendall said...

The point mutation would be less harmful than a frameshift mutation because in a point mutaion it only changes one letter in the amino acid. In a Frameshift mutation it ends up changing the whole strand of DNA. Most animals have a point mutation.

Bierman said...

A point mutation because it doesn't change the strand it just changes a letter. An imals can likely live through point mutation. In frameshift mutation though they said they have an unlikely chance of surviving.

chris said...

A point mutatation because it doesn't change the strand it just chages a letter. A frameshift mutation shifts the reading of codons by on base. Animals can often live with a point mutation.

SMAX said...

Point mutations are less harmful than frameshift mutations. Animals can live through point mutation. they are unlikely to life through frameshift mutation.

Tristen said...

In a frameshift mutation, you have to change the base and that creates a codon. Point mutations just change a letter in the code. Animals can live through a point mutation but it's not likely to survive through a frameshift mutation.

..::..Fair..::.. said...

Point mutation would be less harmful. It doesnt chage the strand like frameshift it just changes a letter. Most animals live through the point mutations.

Tiffany said...

A point mutation would be a better one to have because it only changes an amino acid, and can be repaired much easier that a framshift mutation which changes and entire sequence of amino acids. This could have fatal consequences.

Gil said...

a point mutation is less harmful because it only affects one area. a frameshift mutation affects a bigger area becase of the way it is formed

Kayla said...

A point mutation would be less harmful. Animals that have a point mutation can usually live. A point mutation only changes one thing but a frameshift mutation changes a lot more.

chelsea said...

I would say a point mutation would be less harmful. You are only changing one letter or base instead of a whole amino acid. A point mutation is just a change in a single base pair of DNA.

bean said...

point mutation is better. animals can live with it. it just changes the letters

Anonymous said...

a point mutation is less harmful because it dosn't change the whole strand, it just changes a letter. Animals can live with a point mutation.

sweet said...

A point mutation is more useful and helpful. It dpoes not change the structure of DNA, it just change a letter.animals can live with point mutation, there is not so much chance in frameshift mutation.

crystaldragon said...

A point mutation is a change in a single base pair in DNA. A mutation which a single base is added to or deleted from DNA is called a Frameshift mutation. I think that a point mutation is better than a Frameshift mutation.