Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What are the four types of protiens that are on page 177 and how do they differ?


:)~*punte*~:) said...

The four types of proeins are cell surface markers, receptor proteins, enymes, and transport proteins. A cell surface markers identify the cell type. Receptor proteins recognize and bind to substances outside the cell. Enzymes assist chemical reactions inside the cell. And transport proteins help substances move across the cell membrane.

.:*{briana alexis}*:. said...

Cell-surface markers is a chain of sugars that acts as a marker to identify each type of cell. Receptor proteins enable a cell to sense its surroundings by binding to certain substances outside the cell. Enzymes are proteins in the cell membrane that help with important biochemical reactions inside the cell. Transport proteins aid the movement of cells that cannot pass through the lipid bilayer. It passes them in and out of the cell.

Michele said...

One type is cell-surface markers, they identify each type of cell. The 2nd type is receptor proteins that enable a cell to sense its surroundings. Enzymes is another kind; they help with important biochemical reactions. The last kind is transport proteins which aid the movement of substances.

:P!:')*!~*(Miranda)*!~*:')!:P said...

They are Cell-Surface Markers, Receptor Proteins, Enzymes, and Transport Proteins. They differ because they all have different function like the cell-surface marker is like a name tag. Receptor proteins are able to send signals to other parts of the cell. Enzymes help with important biochemical reactions inside the cell. Transport proteins aid the movement of these substances into and out of the cell.

taylorjo said...

The 4 types of proteins are cell surface markers. Also receptor proteins, transport proteins, enzymes. Transport protiens help substances move across the cell membrane. Enzymes assist in chemical reactions. A receptor protein recognizes and bind to substances outside the cell. A cell surface markers identify the cell type.

Casey said...

They are surface markers, receptor proteins, enymes, and transport proteins. They all have different functions in the cell. Some assist chemical reactions and things like that.

Mitchell Haaland said...

cell surface markers are chains of sugars that act as a arker to identify eavh type of cell. receptro proteins enable a cell to sense its surroundings by binding to certain substnaces outside the cell. Enzymes help with important biochemical reactions inside the cell. transport proteins aid the movement of these substances into and out of the cell

Paul N said...

The four types of proteins are cell-surface markers, receptor proteins, enzymes, transport proteins. Cell-surface markers idenify cell type. Receptor proteins enable a cell to sense its surroundings by binding. Enzymes help with important biochemical reactions. Transport proteins aid the movement of these substances into and out of the cell.

-Fisch- said...

The 4 types of proteins are cell surface markers. Also receptor proteins, transport proteins, enzymes. Enzymes assist chemical reactions inside the cell.Receptor proteins enable a cell to sense its surroundings by binding to certain substances.Transport proteins which aid the movement of substances.

cvosika2011 said...

They are cell surface markers, receptor proteins, enzymes, and transport porties. Enzymemes are proteins in the cell membrance that can help with important biochemical reactions

chad said...

The four types of proteins are surface markers, receptor proteins, enzymes, and transport proteins. Cell surface markers like a name tag, a chain of sugar acts as a marker to identify each type of cell. Receptor proteins receptor proteins enable a cell to sense its surrounding by binding to certain substances. Enzymes are many proteins. Transport proteins momve them through the cell membrane.