Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Who is James Dewey Watson? What did he give to the world of molecular biology?


.:*{briana alexis}*:. said...

James Dewey Watson was one of the co-discoverers of DNA. They helped to find discoveries of nucleic acids containing to its structure and stuff. Then he started to do stuff related to cancer. He learned about the double helix. He was awarded the Noble Prize and wrote books.

:P!:')*!~*(Miranda)*!~*:')!:P said...

He was one of the co-discoveres of DNA. He was the most infulential researches in genetics. Helped to discover nucleic acids. Then he researched related to cancer.

:)~*punte*~:) said...

He was one of the discoverers of DNA. He related some of his findings to cancer and learned about the double helix which is what they call the shape that DNA is in. He wrote some books and also won a Nobel Prize.

taylorjo said...

James Dewey Watson is a scientist who helped discover DNA. They helped with teh nucleic acids. He was a very important int eh process of discovering theses things.

chad said...

He was one of the orginal co-discoverers of the Deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA he won the NObel PRize in Medical Physiology. So he also helped try to establish the Human Genome project. This guy was awesome.

-Fisch- said...

James watson is a scientist. He was one of the co discoveres of DNA. He helped to find the nucleic acids containing to its structure. He also reasearched the double helix.

Casey said...

James Dewey Watson is one of the co-discoverers of DNA. He helped to discover nucleic acid and other things like that. HE is one of the most important people in molecular biology.

travis s. said...

He was one the co-disovers of DNA. He helped in discovering nucleic acids, cancer related projects, and the double helix. For helping in so much he was awarded a Noble Prize