Monday, March 10, 2008

What is your body type

What is your blood type and how does that relate to your parents blood type?


Kendall said...

I do not know my blood type. I do not know my parents blood type. I guess i will find out later today.

bean said...

i have no idea what my blood type is. i think my dads is o but i dont know. im scared of blood so i might not make it when we have blood shoosting out of our fingers.

Silly Willy said...

i have no idea what my blood type is. I have no idea what my parents blood type is either. But im sure that i am related some how. Ill call home today during lunch and figure it out.

chris said...

I don't know what my blood type is. I don't know my parents bloodtype. I'll find out what my bloodtype is in class today.

Bierman said...

I have no idea what my blood type is. I dont know my parents either. I dont know my blood type so ill have to prick my finger today.

SMAX said...

i dont know my blood type. i have not idia what my parents is. i am going to find out today.

!*Liz*! said...

I'm pretty sure I'm O positive. I have the same blood type as my mom. I think my dad is B...something I don't know.

..::..Fair..::.. said...

My blood type is AB- i think. My mom for sure is O+. I think my dad is like B something or A something i dont know for sure. I think that it is kind of weird how i am AB and my mom is O and my dad is something different. At least i dont have to give blood because i am AB! i hate needles!! i faint when i get a shot or something.

Kayla said...

I dont know my blood type. I also dont know my parents blood type. I guess i will find out later.

Tristen said...

I don't know what my blood type is. My mom has O blood type, and my dad has A negative. So i'm guessing it's about a combonation of those two together. I will find out in the lab, what my blood type is.

sweet said...

i dont know my type of blood and we call them different like the 1st type 2nd and 3rd and 4th

matt said...

I will find out my blood type today. I also think that I will have a recessive trait from both my parents to form a blood type. I might also have the same blood type as one of my parents.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure what my blood type is because i couldnt get enough blood for three different sections. I know my dad is O something blood type and I think my mom is B+.

Tiffany said...

My blood type is 0-, I can give to anybody. My mom is 0-, I don't know about my dad.

chelsea said...

I didn't test my blood type today. I don't like to see my own blood but i can look at anybody else's blood and be fine. My parent's blood type probably relates to mine.

crystaldragon said...

i don't know my blood type. i don't even know my parents blood types. i'll find out later.

rach said...

hmm....yeah i dont know what my blood type is or my parents blood types either..maybe i should find out sometime?! yep i'll do that later...