Thursday, March 6, 2008

Codominant alleles

Explain what a codominant allele is and give me an example of something that is displaying this effect.


Bierman said...

Codominant alleles cause the phenotypes of homozygotes to be produced in heterozygous individuals. Both alleles are expressed equally. When a black chicken is crossed with a white chicken, all the offspring are checkered. Both feather colors are produced by codominant alleles.

Anonymous said...

It is a situation in which a heterozygote shows the phenotypic effects of both alleles fully & equally.

matt said...

Condominant alleles cause the cause the phenotypes of both homozygotes to to be produced in hetrozygous individuals. Also both alleles are expressed equally. An example of this is when a chicken have black feathers and other features of the bird are white.

SMAX said...

they cause the phenotypes of homozygotes to produce in heterozygous. both of them are expressed equally. both feather colors are produced by condominant alleles.

Tristen said...

Codominant alleles cause the phenotypes of both homozygotes to be produced in heterozygous individuals. Both of the alleles are presented equally. An example of this could be, if all puppies born are completely white and one is born with a black spot and different color eyes, then the rest of the puppies.

chelsea said...

They cause the phenotypes of both of the homozygotes to be produced in the heterozygous individuals. An example of this is when a black chicken is crossed with a white chicken and their offspring are checkered. These alleles are expressed equally.

..::..Fair..::.. said...

The codominant alleles cause the phenotypes of both homozygotes to be produced in heterozygous individuals. In codominance, both of the alleles are expressed equally. You can see both alleles. An example of this could be between a white cat and a black cat. When you cross both of them them you get a mixed of black and white in the cat.

Silly Willy said...

Codominat allese cause the phontypes to be produced in heterzyogous individuals. The heterozygotes shows. It affects both of the allelse fully & equally.

Tiffany said...

A codominant allele is where there are 2 dominant alleles. they are expressed equally.

chris said...

Codominent alleles cause the phenotypes of homozygotes to be produced in heterozygous individuals. Both alleles are then express. Feather colors in chickens are produced by codominant alleles.

bean said...

codominant alleles cause homoxygotes to be produced. they are produced in heterozygous individurals. when black and white are mixed they are checkerd.

Kendall said...

A codominant allele is an allele that causes the phenotypes of homozygotes to be produced in heterozygous individuals. They are expressed equally. This can be shown by how a black chicken is crossed with a white one and they get a checkered offspring.

sweet said...

it cause the phenotype of homozygots to be produced in heterozygous

Kayla said...

It causes the phenotypes of homozygotes to be prouced in the heterozygous people. An example is the color of chicken feather. An example of different chicken feathers is when one chicken has black feathers and the rest have white feathers.

crystaldragon said...

That the codominant alleles causes the phenotypes of the homozygotes to be produced in heterozgous individuals. The both alleles are expressed egually. They passed down the same alleles and may have a new way of seeing things.