Monday, March 3, 2008


You should have in the back of your minds what WOW science project you want to do and know that this is tonight from 5:00 - 6:45. But what project do you hope to do and why? And I put you on YouTube.


matt said...

I think that the dry ice experiment will be fun even though that we didn't do it. I think that it will also be a good experiment because we are all concerned about having our skin burned and also the fact that everything will be exact in the experiment. I also liked the experiment with the pop bottle, baking soda, and vinegar. The kids would also like this experiment.

Anonymous said...

I think that kids will like to see and do the bubble bombs or the other projects that explode. I probably do not want to do anything to do with dry ice because i would end up hurting myself on accident :) The egg in a bottle project is really cool

Kendall said...

I hope to do one of the experiments with the dry ice. I wanna do that because we havent gotten to do any experiments with that yet. It will be interesting to see what happens.

Silly Willy said...

Hix the ones that explode are by far the ones we need to do. Also the ones with dry ice. I dont really care which ones i do as long as they are messy, and i dont have to clean them up.

Bierman said...

I hope to do the project with goo. I like the way it feels and its fun to play with. I want to make slime.

chris said...

I think that it would be fun to do a dry ice experiment. I also think that we should do the one where you blow the lid off of the film canister. I also think that we could to the one where you blow the balloon up with the vinager and baking soda.

bean said...

i want to do one that makes a big mess. after i make the mess i dont think ill clean it up but i just want to make a huge mess. so i hope to blow my fingers off.

Gil said...

i want to do the balloon one with the baking soda in the ballon and pour it into a battle and it fills the balloon

SMAX said...

I want to do the dry ice experiments or anything that blows up. ME will and bo hope to be together. i think it will be fun.

chelsea said...

I don't really like things that explode but I'm sure the kids would so those would be good. Since we haven't done the dry ice, it would be cool to see what might happen. I like to see how the things react and see what happens.

Kayla said...

I think the goo project will be fun for kids. I think they will like that they get to keep it ifwe put it in baggies for them. I also think the kids could remember how to do it and repeat the experiment themselves.

!*Liz*! said...

I think that the kids will like the things that blow up. Like the film canisters and the balloons. But my favorite experiment would probably by the vinager stirafoam and acetone because i think its cool how it changes form and doesn't dissolve.

rach said...

hmmm....yeahhh i'll hafta go w/liz on this one....the styrafoam and the acetone stuff was prly my favorite its prettty kewl how it just like melts into that...WOW!!!! i did the milk colour burst experiment i think it was a pretty ok project but the film canister project got the most laughs haha...yeahhh mhmmm