Friday, March 28, 2008


What is your groups Hybrid? What is at least two things that you have learned about the hybrid?


matt said...

We have a animal called a cama. It is a cross between a llama and a camel. There is a farm in dubai that raises them and they both come from the same species of animals. They both came from camelid which was on the earth millions of years ago.

Kendall said...

My groups hybrid is the liger. It is made by breeding a tiger and a lion. It Napolean Dynamites favorite animal. They are sterile.

Anonymous said...

My group had the Wholphin. It is a cross between a Whale and a Dolphin. I learned that there is only 2 of them in captivity.

Matt G said...

we have the wholphin. it is a wale and a dolphin. it live in howie and it had a bady.

bean said...


Silly Willy said...

Our animal is a zebra crossed with a horse. It is very interesting. It is sterile and doesnt usually get made in the wild.

chris said...

My group chose the liger. You get a liger by breeding a tiger and a lion. They are sterile and can't reproduce.

Tiffany said...

we have a wolphin. it is a cross between a false killer whale and a dolphin. Its color is half-way between its parents. It has 66 teeth, which is half way between a whale's 44 and a dolphin's 88. What really suprised me was the fact that this hybrid was fertile. It had 3 calves 1 died in infacy, 1died at the age of 9,and the youngest is still alive. At least two of the claves were sired by male dolphins.

Gil said...

we have the cama it is a cross between a camel and a llama i found out they are smaller than a normal camel. they also have shorter hair and they have no hump. most of the time they are keep the color of the camel but they can have patches of other colors.

SMAX said...

myt group has the liger. It is made by a lion and a tiger breeding together. they are sterile

Kayla said...

My hybrid is the Liger. The liger is created by combining a tiger with a lion. Ligers are serile and therefor cannot produce offsprings.

Tristen said...

My groups hybrid is a Wolphin. It is a cross between a whale and a dolphin. Only three of them have been documented on being born, but the scientists believe that there are more in the wild. A whale has a total of 44 teeth and a dolphin has 88 teeth. Therefore, the wolphin has exactly half which is 66 teeth.

crystaldragon said...

we choice the cama. cama is a lama and camel hybrid. cause of the larger size it supost to give more wool.

chelsea said...

Our Hybrid is the Zebroid. It is a mixture between a zebra and a horse. They are very aggressive and rarely reach 5 feet tall.

rach said...

our group has the cama, cross between a camel and lama. the father is the camel and the mother is the llama. they're mainly in argentina,l thats wehre the biggest farm is of them. its also go a long neck and short legs and TONS of fur/hair