Thursday, November 6, 2008


What is coevolution? Give an example.


Fuhrman#34 said...

Coevolution is evolution involving a series of reciprocal changes in two or more noninterbreeding populations that have a close ecological relationship. they act as agents of natural selection for each other. as the succession of adaptations of a predator for pursuing and of its prey for fleeing or evading.

Paul N said...

Coevolution is evolution involving a series of reciprocal changes in two or more noninterbreeding populations that have a close ecological relationship. Its like natural selection.

:)~*punte*~:) said...

Coevolution: evolution involving a series of some reciprocal changes in two or more noninterbreeding populations that have a close ecological relationshop. An example of this would be natural selection.

Casey said...

Coevolution is evolution involving a series of reciprocal changes in two or more noninterbreeding populations that have a close ecological relationship. Natural selection is coevolution. There are many examples of coevolution in the environment.

travis s. said...

Coevolution is an evoluton involving a series of some reciprocal changes in two or more noninterbreeding populations that have a close ecological relationship. An example of coevolution would be natural selection.

.:*{briana alexis}*:. said...

Coevolution is back-and-forth evolutionary adjustment between two species that interact. They interact and work with each other. An example would be natural selection.

chad said...

IT is the evolution of two or more species that is due to mutual influience. An example of this is the zebras in the AFrica and the lions one gets faster to outrun the lion the lion gets faster to chase it down and this happens over and over again.

cvosika2011 said...

Coevolution is evoluiton involoving a series of reciproacl changes in 2 or more not interbreeding populations. An example is natural selection.

Tina said...

Coevolution is an evolutionary adjustment between two species that live close to each other and have effects on each other. When one of the species change, then the other also changes. An example of coevolution is the zebra and lion.

taylorjo said...

Coevolution is the evolution of things involving more than one series of reciprocal changes. Which are in two or more noninterbreeding populations. They then are acting as agents with the natural selection of eachother. An example would be like natural selection of animals.

:P!:')*!~*(Miranda)*!~*:')!:P said...

Coevolution is the back-and-forth evolutionary adjustment between two species that interact. Species that involve predator-prey or parasite-host relationships often develop adaptations in response to one another. For example like the lion is wanting to eat the zebra the feed himself.

Carson Stange said...

Coevolution is the back and forth evolutionaryh adjustment between two species that interact. An exaple of this would be natural selection. A zebra and a lion would alos be an example because the fastest zebras survive because they are able to out run the lion. When most of the zebras are able to out run the lion, only the fastest lions are able to catch the zebras, there for the zebras and lions keep getting faster and faster.

Jon said...

Coevolution is evolution involving a series of reciprocal changes in two or mor noninterbreeding populations hat have a close ecological relationship. like natrual selection.

Michele said...

Coevolution is the back and forth evolutionary adjustment between two species that interact. This has to do with predator-prey interaction. A predator will eat an animal, and that animals population will go down. But then something will happen to the predator too. So it is just when one animal has a big population, but then it changes and another thing has a bigger population.