Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Fossil Fuels

What do humans use fossil fuels for?? Why is the importance of fossil fuels for our society?


taylorjo said...

Humans use fossil fuels for like to run our cars. Also if you use propane to run your house. Then also we use them for in trains, the coal in the trains. The importance fo fossil fuels for our society is important because we need it to run our cars. And also heat our homes.

-Fisch- said...

we use fossil fuels everyday and pretty much everything from runnin our cars and planes. To heating our homes. We even use it to make more fuel like ethonal. WE use them in almost everything that is why they are important to us but if we arent careful we will use them all up before we find a alternative source of energy which could be potentially really bad.

.:*{briana alexis}*:. said...

We use them for like heating our homes. We also use it for our cars and driving. It is important because we use them daily and for many different things. We depend on them greatly.

Casey said...

Humans use fossil fuels for a lot of things. We use them for cars, heating, and a lot of other things like that. It is improtant to our society because we use them for a lot of different things. It would affect us a lot if we ran out of fossil fuels.

:P!:')*!~*(Miranda)*!~*:')!:P said...

Humans use fuels for things like to heat their houses or be able to drive from place to place. They are important because we need to be able to stay warm and get things and people from place to place and if we would run out that could be a bad deal.

:)~*punte*~:) said...

Some things that we use fossil fuels for are heating our homes and running our cars. We also use coal to power some of the trains that we use to haul goods. Theyp are important because we use them for important things in our lives and we wouldnt be able to live without them.

Tina said...

Humans use fossil fuels to run things. We use fossil fuels to run our cars and also to heat our houses. They are important because we use them almost everyday.

Fuhrman#34 said...

we use fossil fuels to run our cars. they are used in the gases we use to heat our homes as well as the products that are used in gasoline & deisel fuel. theyre important to our society b/c they help us get from place to place, keep us warm in the winter, & cool in the summer.

travis s. said...

Fossil fuels are used for different types of transportation mostly such as cars, ships, boats, trains, etc. Some people use them in their homes also. They are important because without fossil fuels we probably would not be able to drive and if we couldn't drive we probably wouldn't know anybody around us unless we walked like, a lot.

Jon said...

we use fossil fuels in the cars we drive and things like gas to heat our hows and things like that. we need the fossil fuels to have a faster more reliable way of transportation it is used alot today.

chad said...

We currently use fossil fuels to heat our homes and to power our cars and other vehicles. We need all fo this because we need to move to place to place fast and without fossil fuels we would have to go on horse or by foot which is alot slower then an airplane.