Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What is this?

What is succession and how does it relate to an ecosystem?


Fuhrman#34 said...

succession is the progressive replacement of one community by another until a climax community is established. this happens in an ecosystem time after time when one area or category dies out & another pulls through 2 take its place.

.:*{briana alexis}*:. said...

Succession is the replacement of one community over time. It then establishes a climax community. It relates to an ecosystem, because some ecosystems are being destroyed. One thing can be replaced by another.

:)~*punte*~:) said...

Succession- the replacement of one community over a certain period of time until another community is made. They relate to an ecosystem because everyday ecosystems are destroyed and replaced by another.

taylorjo said...

Succession is the replacement of one community over a ling period of time. Things can be replaced by other things. One thing replaces another thing. Then it establishes a climax community. There are many ecosystems that are being destroyed.

Casey said...

Succession is the replacement of one community over time. It is like an ecosystem because ecosystems are changed adn ruined all the time. THey are related a lot.

Paul N said...

Succession is the progressive replacment of one community by another until a climax community is established. It relates to ecosystems because they are being destroyed. In ecosystems a population dies out and another one takes its place.

Jon said...

it is the replacement of one community in time. It makes a climax community. And it Relats to an ecosystem because some ecosystems are getting destroyed. The things in succesion can be replaced by other things.

Mitchell Haaland said...

succesion is when one community replaces another community. When one ecosystem is destroyed, it can be replaced with a different one! YAY ECOSYSTEMS!

:P!:')*!~*(Miranda)*!~*:')!:P said...

Succession is the replacement of one community until another one is established. It is related to ecosystems because many ecosystems are being destroyed and is also replaced by another.

Michele said...

Succession is when a community is replaced by another one over a period of time. This shows that ecosystems keep changing. When the ecosystems change- because of people, weather, etc.- they may not be able to support the same animals. So then communities will replace each other.

travis s. said...

Successionis when one community gets replaced over a period of time. After the community gets replaced it establishes a climax community. This relates to ecosystems because the organisms in that ecosystem die and then another organism will have to replace it to fulfill the needs of that ecosystem

chad said...

Succession is the replacement of one community over time and it contiounes until a a new community is established. this relates to a ecosystem time after time until a new ecosystem is formed.

ANDYbertsch26 said...

Succession is the replacement of one community over a period of time. THen there is a climx communitie . THis is basically an ecosystem.

-Fisch- said...

Succession is he replacement of one comunity over time.It is an ecosystem because ecosystems are changed and ruined all the time. THey are related a lot because of this