Monday, October 20, 2008

Energy Pyramid

What is an Energy Pyramid? How does it relate to the food web?


taylorjo said...

An energy pyramid is a triangular diagram that shows an ecosystem's loss of energy. This results as energy passes through the ecosystem's food chain is called a food pyramid. Each layer represents one trophic layer. This relates to a food web by they both show energy levels.

Casey said...

An energy pyramid is a triangle diagram that shows an ecosystem's lost energy. The energy is lost as it passes through the ecosystem. They show energy lebels just like a food web shows energy level.

Paul N said...

A energy pyramid is a triangle diagram that shows a ecosystems lost energy. As it goes through the ecosystem it loses it's energy. It is like a food web but with energy for an ecosystem.

Michele said...

An energy pyramid is a diagram in the shape of a triangle. It shows an ecosystem's loss of energy. An ecosystem loses energy when it passes through the food web. So like when a wolf or bear eats a bunny, they don't get all the energy from the bunny.

Mitchell Haaland said...

An energy pyramid is a pyramid that shows a loss of energy in an ecosystem. they both show energy in an ecosystem.

:)~*punte*~:) said...

Energy pyramid: a triangular diagram that shows an ecosystem's loss of energy. The energy in the pyramid is lost as it goes through the ecosystem. They show the energy levels just like a good web.

:P!:')*!~*(Miranda)*!~*:')!:P said...

an energy pyramid is a diagram that shows an ecosystem's loss of energy. The results as energy goes through the ecosystem's food chain which is called a food pyramid. They relate to each other because they both show energy levels.

Jon said...

it is a diagram that shows the energy that is in an ecosystem and tells what is lost and gained. It is called a food chain pyramid too. It is just a way to show what is at the top for things like energy and for things like that.

.:*{briana alexis}*:. said...

An energy pyramid is the triangle thing that shows loss of energy in an ecosystem. When energy passes through an ecosystem in a food chain, it is called a food pyramid. They show trophic levels and they both show energy levels.

travis s. said...

An energy pyramid is a triangle that shows the loss of energy throughout an ecosystem. The different layers are called trophics just like in a food web also. They both show energy levels and how they go down as the chain goes on.

-Fisch- said...

An energy pyramid is a triangle diagram that shows an ecosystem's lost energy.It is like a food web but with energy for an ecosystem. That is wat and energy pyramid is.

Carson Stange said...

An energy pyramid is a diagram that shows the way energy is used in an ecosystem. The diagram also shows the energy that is lost as it passes through the levels of an ecosystem. The energy pyramid's base consists of plants and then prey and then predators at the top

Tina said...

An enrgy pyramid is a diagram that shows an ecosystem's loss of energy. It is in the shape of a triangle. Some of the energy in it will get lost. It shows the energy levels, which food webs also do.

ANDYbertsch26 said...

An energy pyramid is a diagram that shows a ecosystem and its loss of energy. this shows the energy that passes through the ecosystem and its food change. That is what a energy pyramid is.

Unknown said...
