Friday, October 24, 2008

Nitrogen Cycle

Explain the Nitrogen Cycle?


:)~*punte*~:) said...

The nitrogen cycle is very complex. First nitrogen goes through fixation. This can happen by lightning or by the fumes that are given off by our cars and from factories. Then the nitrogen turns into ammonia. The next step is that the ammonia is used up by protiens and nucliec acids. Then, when an organism dies, their nitrogen is sent back into the atmosphere as ammonia. This is called Ammonification. Then the soil converts the ammonia through Nitrification. The last step is that the bacteria will convert it back to a form that it needs to be in for us to use it. This is called Denitrification. This is the nitrogen cycle and it just keeps going over and over and over!!

Fuhrman#34 said...

the nitrogen cycle is the continuous sequence of events by which atmospheric nitrogen and nitrogenous compounds in the soil are converted. this occurs through both nitrification and nitrogen fixation, into substances that can be utilized by green plants. the substances then return to the air and soil as a result of the decay of the plants and denitrification.

taylorjo said...

The nitrogen cycle is when nitrogen goes the fixation. This happens when lightning or fumes given off by cars. Then that nitrogen goes into ammonia. That is then used up by protiens and nucleic acids. Then when organisms die the nitrogen is sent back into the atmosphere. The soil then converts it through a process called Nitrification. Finally, its converted back to a form that it needs to be in so then we can use it. The nitrogen cycle keeps going.

Casey said...

The nitrogen cycle is then nitrogen goes through fixation. THen it turns into ammonia. The ammonia is used up by proteins and nucleic acids. When organisms die, nitrogen is sent back into the atmosphere as ammonia. The soil converts the ammonia through nitrification. Last, the bacteria will convert it back to a form that we need. The nitrogen cycle just keeps repeating itself over and over again.

.:*{briana alexis}*:. said...

It is the cycle of nitrogen through out the earth. First nitrogen goes through fixation by lightning or the gas given off by cars. It turns into ammonia. The ammonia is used by proteins and nucliec acids. The nitrogen is sent back into atmosphere when the animals died. The soil converts the ammonia through nitrification. Finally, the bacteria is converted to a form that it needs to be used.

travis s. said...

Nitrogen will start off by going through a stage called fixation. Lightning or the burning of fossil fuels makes that occur. The nitrogen will turn into ammonia and then the ammonia is used in proteins and nucleic acids. When organisms die the nitrogen goes back up into the air and that process is called ammonification. The bacteria and soil will convert the nitrogen back to a form that we use it in.

Michele said...

Firt nitrogen goes through fixation by fumes from cars, factories,organisms dying, etc. or lightning. It then turns into ammonia, which is used by nucleic acids and proteins by animals and people. When that organisms dies, it then releases the nitrogen back as ammonia, but the dirt and bacteria change it. THen it goes through the cycle again.

Mitchell Haaland said...

The nitrogen cycle first goes through fixation. THen ammonium is made from nucleic acids and proteins. when animals die that also puts nitrogen in the ground.

Paul N said...

The nitrogen cycle is when nitrogen goes through fixation. by either lighting or fumes turns into ammonia. Soil converts the ammonia. Then the plants convert co2 into oxygen.

Tina said...

The nitrogen cycle is when nitrogen goes throughout the earth. Nitrogen first goes through fixation. Fixation can occur in a variety of different ways. Then the nitrogen turns into ammonia. That is then used up by proteins and nucleic acids. When the organisms die, the nitrogen goes back into the atmosphere.

cvosika2011 said...

THe nitrogen is very complicated. It goes through fixation and happens by exhast and by lighting and storms. The soil converts the ammonia throguht nitrification. Nsd the last step is bactreria will covert it vback to a form that it needs to be in four us to use.

-Fisch- said...

nitrogen cycle is when nitrogen goes through the fixation. This happens when lightning strikes or when a car is run. Then that nitrogen turns into ammonia. Then is then used up by protiens and nucleic acids. Then when organisms die the nitrogen is sent back into the atmosphere. The soil then converts it through a process called nitrification. Finally, its converted back to a form that it needs to be in so then we can use it. The cycle keeps repeating until the end of time basicly

Carson Stange said...

The nitrogen cycle is a complicated cycle, but yet a simple concept. The nitrogen cycle is a continuous cycle of events that changes nitrogenous compounds into usable nitrogen.The nitrogen cycle takes nitrogen from lightning or fumes given off by cars and then it is used by organsims and when the organisms die, they decay and the nitrogen returns to the soil and atmosphere.

:P!:')*!~*(Miranda)*!~*:')!:P said...

THe nitrogen cycle is complex. Nitrogen goes through fixation. This happens by lighting. Then the nitrogen turns into ammonia. THen whn an organism dies their nitrogen is sent into the atmosphere. The soil converts the ammonia through Nitrifcation.

Jon said...

It is where it is fixiated and the fumes from cars and factories. Then it is in organisms and it eats up the things on the stuff. I also think that it has to do with things like nucleic acids. It is then back into the air nad it starts over again

Jon said...

It is where it is fixiated and the fumes from cars and factories. Then it is in organisms and it eats up the things on the stuff. I also think that it has to do with things like nucleic acids. It is then back into the air nad it starts over again.

chad said...

the nitrogen cycle is first started with fixation. From there the nitrogen is turned into ammonia. Then after an organism dies it gives off nitrogen. This ammonia then nitrification converts it into the soil. The last step is that the bacteira will convert it back to a form that we can use.