Friday, October 3, 2008


What is Activation Energy? What does our bodies use it for?


.:*{briana alexis}*:. said...

Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy needed to start a chemical reaction. Our bodies use it for starting a chemical reaction. THen they can complete chemical reactions.

Mitchell Haaland said...

Activation energy is the minimum kinetic energy that colliding particles need to start a chemical reaction. This is used for making the particles move faster to have enough kenetic energy to overcome the repulsion between them (pg. 65 from our Biology book)

Paul N said...

Activation energy is the minimum kinetic energy that colliding particles need to start a chemical reaction.

Jon said...

Activation energy is the reaction is the minimum kinetic energy that colliding particles need to start a chemical reaction. So that they can complete the chemical reaction. they are need for the chemical reactions.

taylorjo said...

Activation energy is the minimum amount of enery that is needed to start a chemical reaction. They can complete the chemical reactions then. through this our bodies can use it for starting a chemical reaction. They are neeeded to start chemical reactions!

:)~*punte*~:) said...

The minimum amount of energy needed to start a chemical reaction is activation energy. We use these to start chemical reactions in out bodies.

Casey said...

Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy needed to start a chemical reaction. We use it to start chemical reactions that are vital to our body. THey need chemical reactions to live.

:P!:')*!~*(Miranda)*!~*:')!:P said...

Activation energy is the minimum kinetic energy that colliding particles need to start a chemical reaction. We use this for speeding up particles move more quickly. Our bodies use this for forming a chemical reaction.

cvosika2011 said...

It is the min. amount of energy needed to start a chemical reaction. Our bodies need this for a chemical reaction also. YEah

-Fisch- said...

Activation energy is the least amount of energy needed to make a chemical reaction happen. Our bodies use activation energy to start and complete chemical reactions

Michele said...

Activation energy of the reaction is the minimum kinetic energy that colliding particles need to start a chemical reaction. It is the amount of energy that we need for a reaction to happen. OUr bodies use this for everything! We need this energy to do stuff. Just if we want to move we need the right amount of energy.

Fuhrman#34 said...

activation energy is the minimum amount of energyu needed to start a chemical raction. our bodies use it to start & complete chemical reactions.

Tina said...

Activation Energy is the minimum kinetic energy that colliding particles need to start a chemical reaction. Our bodies use it to start chemical reactions. Without activation energy, our bodies wouldnt function correctly.

ANDYbertsch26 said...

Ativation energy is the minimum amount of energy that particles need to start a reaction. This makes the particles go fast enough for kinetic energy to do the repuslsion. thats what it is.

travis s. said...

Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy needed to start a chemcial reaction. We use it to start the chemical reactions inside of our bodies and to complete the chemical reactions.

chad said...

It is the minimum amount of energy that is needed to start a reaction. They use it to start chemical reactions in the body like immunce systems.