Tuesday, October 7, 2008


What is an ecosystem? Why is it important?


:P!:')*!~*(Miranda)*!~*:')!:P said...

A ecosystem is a place where animals live and their surroundings. It is important because the animals need to be able to survive in the outdoors.

Paul N said...

An ecosystem is a natural unit consisting of plants and animals in an area functioning together with factors of the enviroment.

taylorjo said...

An ecosystem is a community of organisms and thier abiotic envionment. Its a group of organisms and thier environment. An ecosystem is important because the animals need the other animals to live. They need to be able to survive.

:)~*punte*~:) said...

Ecosystem- a community of organisms and their abiotic environment. It is also the environment and the organisms that live in it. They are important because an ecosystem has the things that an organism needs to live.

Tina said...

An ecosystem is a natural habit for animals and plants.It is important, because sometimes a certain plant or animal can only live in a specific ecosystem. The things in a specific ecosystem need everything in the ecosystem to live.

Casey said...

An ecosystem is a community of organisms and their abiotic environment. IT is basically a group of organisms and their environment. It is important because a lot of times teh organism can only live in a specific ecosystem. If it changes the organism can die.

.:*{briana alexis}*:. said...

An ecosystem is a place where animals live. It also includes their surroundings. It is important because that is how the animal lives and survives. It needs food and other items so it is able to live.

Michele said...

An ecosystem is a community of organisms, and it also includes and their environment. It is important because organisms need to live in the correct ecosystems to survive. Everything in their ecosystem effects how they live- what they eat, what eats them, where they live, etc.

ANDYbertsch26 said...

An ecosystem is a community of organismsand their surroundings. It is important because they need to have the right ecosystem to survive. Thats what that is.yo

Jon said...

An Ecosystem is everything around something. It is where animals and people live together and there are plants and other things. It is very important that you have an ecosystem because than you can find the food and water that you need.

Fuhrman#34 said...

An ecosystem is a system formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with their environment. they are important b/c organisms in the outdoors depend on each other to survive on their own.

Mitchell Haaland said...

An ecosystem is a a place where a group of animals live and communicate with each other.

Carson Stange said...

An ecosystem is a place were an organism lives. An ecosystem consits of a group of living things and their surrounding environment. Ecosystems are important because an Ecosystem includes everything that an organism needs to live.

travis s. said...

An ecosystem is the habitat where different animals live to survive. They are important because in these ecosystems are the foods that those animals will eat such as grass, other animals, etc. They also need to live in an ecosystem that will have a climate that they can live through.

cvosika2011 said...

An ecosstyem is a community of organisms and their enviroment. It is the animals and the envirometn acting together to live and help eachother.

Paul N said...

It is important because the animals
need a certain ecosystem to survive. It is easier to survive when the enviorment works together.

Mitchell Haaland said...

they are important because they are where animals interact and where they live. Without out one animal the whole food chain would be destroyed

chad said...

An ecosystem is a place consisting of animals and plants and all the living things surrounding it. This is important because its what all living and dead things belong too.