Tuesday, October 14, 2008


What is the difference between and community and a population?


Fuhrman#34 said...

A community is an assemblage of interacting populations occupying a given area. A population is the assemblage of a specific type of organism living in a given area. its also all the individuals of one species in a given area.

.:*{briana alexis}*:. said...

A population is the total amount of species that live in an area. It's the inhabitants in an area. A community is a group of all the organisms that are in an area interacting together.

:)~*punte*~:) said...

Community- a group of all organisms that are in an area and are interacting together. Population- the total amount of species that live in an area.

Casey said...

A community is group of organisms that are interacting together. A population is the total amount of species that live in an area. THe population is the amount of species.

taylorjo said...

A population is the total amount of animals or species that live in that certain area. A community is a group of all living organisms that are in an area. They also interact with eachother. Thats the difference between the two.

Tina said...

A community is a group of animals and plants in an area that are living together. They also interact with each other. A population is the total number of species that live in an area.

Paul N said...

A population is the total amount of species that live in an area. A community is a group of all the organisms that are in an area interacting together. The population is the amount of the species.

-Fisch- said...

A communit is a gropup of organims that are in one area. A popuation is the assemblage of specific tupe of organism living in agivin area.

:P!:')*!~*(Miranda)*!~*:')!:P said...

A popluation is the amount of living things in an area. A community is a group of all living things in an area. They do however interact with one another.

chad said...

The difference is that community is the interactions of populations in the area. A population id the type of organisms in the area. Its also the individuals one species in s given area.

travis s. said...

A community is pretty much the interaction between populations in a certain area. A population is the number of that organism or species living in that area. So the population is only part of the community. It is usually only a small fraction because there are lots of different organisms.