Monday, September 8, 2008


What did you think of the turtles eating the fish on Firday? Is fish a natural food for them to eat or was it something that we just gave them?


-Fisch- said...

it was probably natural for some types of turtles including these because they live in enviroments where minnows are probably redily avalible wether they are actually part of there diet in the wild im not sure but im sure some turtles eat fish

.:*{briana alexis}*:. said...

It was natural because some fish live in their environment. Some of the fish eat different things. I thought it was cool to watch them eat them.

travis s. said...

It depends on what the environment for the turtle is. If the turtles live in the ocean or a river then they probably eat fish more often. I thought it was funny though watching the turtles try to eat the fish, especially when we threw in a live one.

ANDYbertsch26 said...

I think that you must not feed them enough. Haha, Im just kidding. I really think that it would be like us having ice cream or something. It was probably like an awesome treat for them.

chad said...

It is a natural food for the turtle to eat because in the wild they eat fish all the time. Im sure that they dont get 4 of them within a few seconds but they problaly try to do eat minnows and other small fish in the wild all the time.

Michele said...

I thought it was interesting.
It was natural for them. Turtles who live in the 'wild' eat fish like that in order to live. Its like a habit for the turtles, even though they haven't done it before. Thats what turtles do- its like a thing in them to survive.

Tina said...

It is natural for turtles. Turtles normally live in water, so fish are there and they are able to eat them. I thought it was fun to watch them eat them. It was really fun.