Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Test Tubes

In your test tubes yesterday was there bacterial growth or not? Why did you have bacteria in your test tubes? Do you think that boiling them is going to change the amount of bacteria in them?


.:*{briana alexis}*:. said...

Yes, there was in our tubes. It was on top and it was white. The ones that were open were the ones that had growth. Yes, I think that they will grow less.

:P!:')*!~*(Miranda)*!~*:')!:P said...

Yeah there was some growth in our test tubes. It was mostly on the top and white. I htink that the reason for the growth was because some of them were exposed to the bacteria in the air. I think that boiling did help it will stop the growth or make the growth more less.

chad said...

Yes there was some in ours. THe ones that dont have a cap on them have the most growth. THey are white bacteria growing on the top. The boiling should stop the growth of the bacteria though.

Tina said...

Yes, there was growth. The bactera was white. We had bacteria growing, because the air got in the test tubes and the baceria grew. I think by boiling then, the amount of bacteria will go down.

travis s. said...

Yes, there was definitely some of that bacteria inside of our tubes. I think that now that they were boiled they will probably grow less because i think the heat slows down the growing process.

-Fisch- said...

Ther was growth in our's yesterday. They had growth because the broth wasnt sterile and allowed bacteria to grow. But now that the broth is sterile and capped nuthin should happen in that testube.