Monday, September 22, 2008


What are the different types of chemical bonds?


taylorjo said...

The different types of chemical bonds are ionic bonds. There are also covalent bonds. Some other bonds are polar covalent bonds. There are only 3 types of chemical bonds. Those, are the three differnet types of chemical bonds.

:)~*punte*~:) said...

There are three types of chemical bonds. The first on is ionic bonds. Another one is the covalent bonds. And the last one is the polar bond.

.:*{briana alexis}*:. said...

Some different bonds are ionic bonds. Another one is covalent bonds. The third one that i found is polar bonds.

:P!:')*!~*(Miranda)*!~*:')!:P said...

The three types of chemical bonds are covalent bond, ionic bond, and polar bond. Those are all the three types of chemical bonds.

chad said...

The three types of chemical bonds are covalent bonds that is when molecules are shared. Ionic bonds is when a atom loses electrons or gains electrons and the force between them combines the atoms. Polarity bonds are when atoms are bonded by charges one example is soap.

Carson Stange said...

The three types of chemical bonds are- ionic, covalent, and polar bonds.

Michele said...

There are 2 different types of chemial bonds. One is covalent bonding. This is when atoms bond by sharing valace electrons. The other type is ionic bonding. This is when they lose or gain electrons. The other type is ionic bond.

Tina said...

There are two types of chemical bonds. The first type are ionic bonds. The other type is covalent bonds.

cvosika2011 said...

The different types are chemical bonds and ionic bonds. There some covalent bonds too. There are also differnet types of chemcilal bonds.