Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Summer is Here

Hey since this is the last blog of this school year. Why don't you tell me one thing that you are going to do this summer?


Kendall said...

I plan on workin somewhere, but i dont know were yet. I also plan to go to sports camps. Then i might go on a few trips or somthing too. Thats my summer.

Bierman said...

I'll tell you one thing i'm not going to do this summer...Blog I'm going to drive around this summer. That is all i will do.

matt said...

I am going to work. I am going to lift weights. I am going to run.

SMAX said...

imm gonna work building grain elevators. im gonna lift. and im also gonna have a little fun.

chelsea said...

This summer I will be babysitting in Warner everday. I will also be going to volleyball and cheer camps. Our family is also going on a cruise this summer near the Florida Keys and Cozumel Mexico.

Silly Willy said...

Ill probably lift and attend athletic camps. I will also go to work and have alot of fun with my friends. I plan on attending some cattle shows too.

Kayla said...

I plan on going to work. Going to camps for volleyball and basketball. I also plan to go to minnesota.

chris said...

I am going to work for the city of Stratford. I am going mow. My dad just bought a new dixe chopper.

!*Liz*! said...

I have a lot planned this summer. I'm going to be working at the Y as a lifeguard and at the front desk at the west sale barn. I'm also going to be invovled with baseketball, volleyball, and cheerleading camps. I have family reunions and PA camps as well.

Tristen said...

Well, i'm going to Nevada to stay with my dad. Then i'm going to go to a basketball camp up at University of Nevada Reno. I also plan on sleeping in! ha well at least a few days. I am also going to get back into my routine of lifting and training everyday! hope you have a great summer Hix :)

..::..Fair..::.. said...

Well, I have a job now Hix. I work at Kmart (if you ever want to come visit me :) ha). I also have a bunch of sports camps and leagues. For 2 weeks my family and I are going to go drive to my uncles house in Idaho and go white water rafting. then drive to Nevada and visit my grandparents. It is going to be awesome!!!

Hix you have a good summer and try not to have too much fun! ha

rach said...

heyyy there hixie!! this summer i plan on working at subway and picking up another job AND we're getting our guest bedroom ready for alessandra (next years foreign exchange student) =) it is very exciting!!!