Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Vernon Martin Ingram

Who is Vernon Martin Ingram?


matt said...

He is an amercan biochemist that is recognized for molecular medicine. He discovered molecular medicine in the 1950s. He discovered that the alteration of a single amino acid in an oxygen carrying molecule called a hemoglobin and it is responible for sickle cell anemia. Hix where do you pull these random people out of for these blogs?

Silly Willy said...

A biochemists from america. He discovered molecular medicine. He found out what caused sickle cell anemia. He was in the 1950s.

Kendall said...

Vernon Martin Ingram is an american biochemist. He is known for coming up with molecular medicine in the 1950's. He discovered that the alteration of a single amino acid in an oxygen carrying molecule called hemoglobin and is responsible for sickle cell anemia.

chris said...

He was an American biochemist. He discovered molecular medicine in the 1950's. He also found out what caused sickle cell anemia.

Matt G said...

amercan biochemist that is recognized for molecular medicine. he found out what caused sickle cell anemia. he was in the 1950.

Tiffany said...

Vernon Martin Ingram was an American biochemist that is known for his work in molecular medicine. He discovered this in the 1950s. He also did research on hemolglobin, and discovered its roll in sickle cell anemia.

Tristen said...

Vernon Martin Ingram is the biochemist that discovered molecular medicine. He made this discovery in the 1950s. He founded sickle cell anemia. Which he found the single amino acid that is called hemoglobin, this is the cell that produces sickle cell anemia.

Kayla said...

He is an amercan biochemist. He was recognized for molecular medicine. He discovered that the alteration of a single amino acid in an oxygen carrying molecule called a hemoglobin and it is responible for sickle cell anemia.

..::..Fair..::.. said...

He was a biochemist and he was from America. He discovered molecular medicine. He discovered this in the 1950s. This was a cause for sickle-celled anemia.

chelsea said...

He's a biochemist from america recognixed for molecular medicine. He found what caused sickle cell anemia. He disocvered the single amino acid alteration in an oxygen carrying molecule called hemoglobin which causes sickle cell anemia.

Gil said...

an american biochemist that discovered molecular medicine. he discovered it in the 1950s. he found it by changing the order.

rach said...

vernon martin ingram was a biochemist from america. he came up with molecular medicine, and discovered that alteration of an amino acid in oxygen carrrying molecule called hemoglobin and is respoinsible for sickle cell anemia.