Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Guys in History

Tell me about three guys that helped to disprove crazy beliefs that people used to hold, like life came from dead materials. What did they do, who are they, and how did their ideas change the beliefs of society?


matt said...

Scientists Stanley Miller and Harold Urey tested the hypothesis of Oparin. They used ammonia, methane, and hydrogen gases to create amino acids, different molecules, and sugars. Oparin hypothesized that life began in the oceans on earth. Francesco Redi and Louis Pasteur designed controlled experiments to diprove spontanius generation.

Silly Willy said...

They used ammonia, methane, and hydrogen gases to create amino acids, different molecules, and sugars. Oparin hypothesized that life began in the oceans on earth.They used control experiments. They diproved the spontanius generation and miller and urey tested the Oparin.

Kendall said...

Two scientists named Stanley Miller and Harold Urey tried to test the hypothesis of Oparin. Oparin hypothesized that life bean in the oceans on the earth. Francesco Redi and Louis Pasteur designed controlled experiments to disprove spontanius generation.

..::..Fair..::.. said...

The people are Harold Urey and Stanley Miller. They are scientits. They used methane, ammonia, and hydrogen gases to create amino acids, sugars, and different molecules. Others used controlled experiments. Oparin thought that life began in the oceans on earth.

chris said...

Miller, Urey, and Redi were the three scientists who disproved the crasy ideas. They used ammonia, methane, and hydrogen gasses to create amino acids. Redi and Louis Pasteur disproved spontanious generation.

Bierman said...

Oparin said that life started in the ocean. Miller and Urey tested Oparin. They made amino acids.

bean said...

miller and urey tested oparin. redi and pasteur disproved spontanius generation. thats 4 guys.

Tiffany said...

the guys were Stanley miller, Harold Urey, Francesco Redi, and Louis Pasteur. The first two tested the hypothesis of Oparin. The second two disproved Spontaneous Generation.

Tristen said...

The names of the scientists are Stanley Miller and Harold Urey. They came up with the test of Oparin, which they used as their hypothesis. The substances they used were: ammonia, methane, hydrogen gases to create different molecules and amino acids. They stated in their hypothesis that all life starts in the ocean.

Kayla said...

Harold Urey and Stanley Miller are scientits. They used methane, ammonia, and hydrogen gases to create amino acids, sugars, and different molecules. Oparin thought that life began on earth in the oceans.

!*Liz*! said...

Stanley Miller, Harold Urey, Francesco REdi, and Louis Pasteur are all scientists that helped to disprove the beliefs that people used to hold. Miller and Urey used ammonia, methane, and hydrogen gases to create amino acids, different kinds of molecules, and sugar to test the hypothesis of Oparin. Redi and Pasteur disproved spontanius generations by making controlled experiments.

chelsea said...

Redi and Pasteur had controlled experiments that disproved the sponatius generation of microorganisms. Oparin stated the he thought life began in the oceans. Miller and Eurey tested Oparin's thoughts. They used ammonia, methane, hydrogen gases and then used these to make different molecules, amino acids, and sugars.

crystaldragon said...

scientists stanley miller and harold urey tested the hypothesis of the oparin. charils darwin found out about natural selection in the wild. they all had apart in history.