Friday, April 4, 2008

Life on Earth

How long was life been on Earth? What evidence does science have to prove this theory?


matt said...

Life was first started on earth 4.4 billion years ago. Life originated in the oceans though about 3.9 billion to 3.4 billion years ago. They can study rocks to see how long they have been on earth since the earth was thought to be formed by metorites.

Kendall said...

Life has been on earth for about 4.4 billion years. It first started in the oceans. They use rocks and carbon date them to figure out how old they are.

chris said...

life has been around for over 4 billion years. Life first started in the oceans. They use carbon dating on rocks to find out how long life has been on earth.

Matt G said...

earth is esimated to be 4.5 billion years old. the fist life is supsd make other life posidol is to be a batirya that live on the costlin and made some thing like a rock. it fild the earth with oxigtn.

bean said...

4.4 billion years was life. it was in the ocean. they look at the rocks and it tells them.

..::..Fair..::.. said...

Life has been on Earth for about 4.4 biollion years. Life started in the oceans. Scientists studied rocks to see how long life has been on Earth and how old they are. They get all the information from the rocks.

Anonymous said...

Life has been on earth for about 4.4 billion years
The scientists use carbon dating to figure out how long life has been on earth. They can also look at fossils of animals.

Kayla said...

life's been on earth for about 4.4 billion yrs. Life began in the oceans. The scientist study rocks and carbon dating to figure out hose long life has been on earth.

Tristen said...

Life has been on earth for a long time, about 4.4 billion years to be exact. Scientists study rocks and a carbon dating method to figure out how long they have been around and that's how they know how long life on earth has been. Life was first started in the oceans.

chelsea said...

Life has been on the earth for 4.4 billion years. Life began in the ocean about 3-4 billion years ago. Scientists are able to study rocks and fossils to see how long animals and other life have really been around for.

crystaldragon said...

around 4.4 billion years ago was when lide was started on earth. in the oceans around 3.9 billion years to 3.4 billion years ago. they study the rocks and the fossils that some people find.