Thursday, April 24, 2008

Darwin's Boat Ride

What did Darwin discover on his little ship ride through a group of islands?


matt said...

He discovered natural selection in finches. He traveled through a series of islands to find out what is happening with the species called the finch. He said that the reason why the birds were dieing is because they were weak and they could not hold up so they were killed.

chris said...

He discovered natural selection in finches. He travelled through the islands to see what how they were evolving. He noticed that the weak birds died and the strong survived.

Bierman said...

He found natural selection. He tested the finches on a series of islands. He decided that the weak died and the strong lived.

Anonymous said...

He found natural selection in finches. He noticed that there were weak birds and stronger birds. The weak birds were dieing and the strong birds lived. He found them on different islands.

..::..Fair..::.. said...

Darwin went on the his ship called the Beagle. It was a 5 year scientiftic journey. He collected and studied some specimens. That is when he came up with natural selection with his finches.

Silly Willy said...

He discovered natural selection. HE found it out it finches. He saw it in a series of islands. He noticed that the weak birds died out.

Tiffany said...

He discovered how each island had a unique kind of finch due to natural selection.

Tristen said...

Charles Darwin discovered natural selection within finches. He figured out why some of the finches were dying, it was because they were to weak and couldn't support themselves. So he decided to find a way to solve this problem.

Kayla said...

He discovered natural selection in finches. He traveled through a series of islands to find out what was happening with the finches. He said that the reason why the birds were dying was because they were weak.

Kendall said...

Charles Darwin discovered natural selection. He found it by studying the finches. He said that while the weak were dying, the strong were surviving.

bean said...

he looked at finches. because of this he came up with natural selection. he said that the weak ones die and the strong evolve and live.

!*Liz*! said...

Darwin studied finches and came up with the idea of natural selection. He went to various islands and found out what was going on with the finches. Darwin came to the conclusion that many of the finches were dieing because there were weak and couldn't live, so therefore, they died.

rach said...

charels darwin went on a "little" ship ride thru a group of islands on a boat called, beagle. he studied and discovereds natural selections in finches. the weak birds were dieing.

bean said...

hey everyonne how is your day going. i really hate this blog thing

bean said...
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Gil said...

he found natural selection. he discovered this by watching finches. then he noticed the weak ones died and the strong ones survived.

sweet said...

he found natural selection in finches. he traveled a lot and saw how other animals were survveving and he found out that the weak one will died and the strongest surveved.

crystaldragon said...

he discovered natural slecetion in finches that lived on the glopigoes islands. they adapted to their suroundings and ways to get food. the climate was a big one to adapt to.

chelsea said...

He discovered the natural selection in finches. He found that that birds who were weak died off or were killed and the strong survived. The animals had to adapt and evolve to their environment to survive.