Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Carbon Cycle

Okay so I know the vedio was a little corny. You should have gotten an idea of how carbon moves through a plant and through an animal. What I need you to do is this; write a summary of the vedio (give me the high points). I would also like for you to tell me about some of the stuff that we have been taking about in class with Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration. You should have a good paragraph writen. I will not except answers that are shorter than five (5) sentences long.


Unknown said...

the video showed all some ways that carbon doxide moves throughout the environment. i thought the video was really dumb. i kind of already knew most of the stuff in it. the video showed how carbon is used in photosynthesis. it also showed how carbon is used in making oil. It showed many places carbon goes when it does become oil. It showed how carbon becomes coal. It also showed how carbon was used in making shells.

Unknown said...

Carbon goes through the carbon cycle starting in photosynthesis in almost all cases except in the building of shells. It then is a part of cellular respiration. Carbon can bind with hydrogen or oxygen. There are many different places where carbon can be and many uses for it. Oil, carbon, plants, and animals are all made out of carbon.

Unknown said...

Carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen molecules are talking to each other and explaining what happens in the carbon cycle. The carbon dioxide tells where it has all been. He goes into plants and out of animals and he's been in fires in dinosaurs. Cellular respiration takes in oxygen and energy and gives off carbon dioxide and water. Photosynthesis takes in carbon dioxide and sunlight and water and gives off oxygen and glucose. The molecules get recycled and reused throughout ecosystems. Cellular respiration occurs in animals and photosynthesis happens in plants.

Unknown said...

the video was very corny. But, it did show alot of interensting things and how the carbon cycle works and pretty much always starts in the chloroplasts. Carbons cycles happent in absolutely everything on earth. Carbon may start as a plant but then it gets trapped under ground when the plant dies and then the carbon becomes coal or oil or even diamonds. We use carbon for many things like jewelry and to create energy.

boschee said...

The carbon cycle continuously rotates around. To function, the carbon cycle needs light to give energy. The carbon cycle makes makes carbon compounds available in the ecosystem and also delivers chemical energy to organisms in that ecosystem. There are a lot of single carbon molecules under ground or in water. Organisms use sunlight during photosynthesis to convert stable carbon dioxide molecules into glucose, which is a less stable carbon molecule. Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplast of algae and plant cells. Next, during cellular respiration, organisms extract energy that has been stored in glucose molecules. The cells make carbon in glucose into carbon dioxide molecules to produce energy.

Unknown said...

The carbon cycle is used for many things.It not only makes carbon compounds continuosly available in an ecosystem but delivers chemical energy to organisms living within that ecosystem.so, in the movie the molecules were talking about all the places that they have been and what they were thoughout their life. They were many different things form toys to seashells.Oxygen is a very important part in this because if oxygen is not present the electron transport chain stops

Unknown said...

The carbon cycle was very interesting it showed all of the different ways that the carbon cycle works and different situations it is used. I thought it was interestion on how there is always two oxygen and one carbon molecule that are always togther. And it was interesting how the carbon cycle was used in the making of shells i didnt now that was the only way that could be done without chlorophll.

Unknown said...

this movie was kinda distracting. it talked about every thing that the carbon cycle was in. it talk about haw all carbon cycle start with photosynthisis, except in the process of makeing shells. it makes oil, and natural gass on other important things. animals, plants, oil, rock, they are all made up of carbon.

bulldozer said...

Carbon gets on the cycle in the chlorophyll. The chloroplasts is where photosynthesis takes place. The chloroplasts use carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen to make carbohydrates. That process is the carbon cycle. The plant stores glucose and oxygen. They are first glucose then turned into cellulose and were wood. Heat is when more oxygen was taking carbon. There is alot of carbon under water, that eventualy become coal. Coal is used for heat. Energy enters an ecosystem when organisms use sunlight during photosynthesis to convert stable carbon dioxide molecules into glucose, which is a less stable carbon compound. What happens in cellular respiration is glucose is converted into six carbon dioxide molecules and six water molecules along with ATP. ATP is the main energy source for the cell.

Landon said...

Carbon is present in almost every process on earth.The carbon cycle is very expansive and is present in photosynthesis, because carbon dioxide has carbon in it and is used during photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Carbon is a key element that helps to keep the plant/animal alive and healthy, because most plants/animals are carbon based organisms and need carbon to survive.

Emily L said...

Carbon starts the cycle in chlorophyll. Carbon goes into a glucose molecule. They can turn into starch for the plant to store them. The starches can come together into chains called cellulose to form wood. In the video they are explaining how the molecules can be used to make many different things such as plastic toys or used in vehicles. Coal is also something else that can be made by these molecules; everything wants to combine with carbon. Oxygen wants to combine with single carbons. Hundreds of years can change the carbon molecules. The carbon molecules can move from one thing to another over millions of years they are always moving from animals to many different things. In class we worked on how these molecules make photosynthesis and cellular respiration happen. We learned that these cycles need carbon and oxygen to be able to be performed and produce ATP (cellular respiration). Our body uses carbon to perform things such as the Krebs cycle, if our bodies did not have the Krebs cycle that produces pyruvates then we could not perform the Electron Transport Chain which makes many ATP for our body to use. Also in photosynthesis the chlorophyll take in the carbon molecules to start the process of photosynthesis which emits oxygen so that we can breathe. These are just some of the things that I learned in class that help me know what carbon has to do with my own daily life cycle.

Unknown said...

The video was not just corny, it was very corny. It explained how carbon molecules bind with other molecules. It showed how carbon molecules bind with other molecules to make stuff like plastic buckets, energy, oil, etc. It also showed how carbon binds with other moluculest to make cellular respiration and photosythesis processes to be able to happen. Like when the the two oxygen molecules go into the cows nose to get the carbon to go to the plants to go through photosythesis.

Unknown said...

Carbon molecules are able to be in almost everything. The sea shells go through a cycle that does not need chloropyll. If the carbon molecule is under water it can't come out of the water unless there is a current or they are mined out. Photosynthesis takes place in chloroplasts. Cellular respiration is the process that cells make energy from carbohydrates.

Pete said...

The video was about how carbon is transported throughout the Earth through the Carbon Cycle. Most carbon cycles involve photosynthetic plants that take in sunlight through chlorophyl A and B. This sunlight then excites H+ ions what make ATP the ATP and other eletron carriers will make organic compounds that store that energy using carbon dioxide. This sugar can be made into cellulose or eaten and turned into a a body part or used for energy through celluler respiration. Celluler repiration breaks down glucose and makes electron carriers that make ATP. Also carbon from organisms that eat photosynthetic organisms can be made into waste that gets trap in the Earth's crust that makes coal, oil, limestone, and other things. The coal and oil will be burnt or created into a plaxtic or something else. When you burn something you created CO2 what goes back into photosynthesis to make glucose and this cycle starts again.

Unknown said...

Carbon molecules are able to be in almost everything. The sea shells go through a cycle that does not need chloropyll. If the carbon molecule is under water it can't come out of the water unless there is a current or they are mined out. Photosynthesis takes place in chloroplasts. Cellular respiration is the process that cells make energy from carbohydrates.

Unknown said...

The video showed how the carbon cycles happens in photosynthesis and in animals. The video kinda helped with the learning of the carbon cycle because it didnt get to far in depth and you could understand it better. Cellular Respiration includes two main big steps which are Glycolysis and the Krebs cycle. Photosynthesis has one main big step which is the Calvin Cycle. In photosynthesis the Carbon Cycle is needed. It takes in oxygen and gives off carbon dioxide.

Unknown said...

Yes, the video was a bit corny but i belive it put it into "elementary" terms which reallt helped me learm. The video gave us a perspective of the life of carbon anf of Oxygen. It showed that the carbon dioxide went throguh many different cycles. It showed that oxygen moves around all over the world and does alot of stuff like get breathed in by a cow and be part of the muscles. The muscles took alot of energy out of the oxygen and the oxygen got tired. The video also showed that oxygen goes arounf trying to form with carbon. In class we ahve talked about these molecules goin around doing things in celluar respiration anf photosynthesis.

-Ryan :D

Unknown said...

Carbon dioxide was first formed when carbon and oxygen molecules where traveling at a high rate and colided. Then they would be used in photosynthesis to make energy. Then the video showed how photosynthesis is made underwater. The video also showed the processes of how oil and coal are made over a long period of time, and what that oil is used for. It also showed how the carbon molecules can turn into shells and then they are pressed into limestone and later marble.

Tooker said...

Carbon can be moved through the environments in several ways. Photosynthetic organisms take in carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen in the process called photosynthesis, and during cellular respiration, organisms convert oxygen into carbon dioxide. Also, while the plants undergo photosynthesis and then they get eaten by other organisms, therefore that organism gets the carbon. Then, the organism will digest the photosynthetic organism and therefore is broken down into CO2. Also things can be burned and release carbon dioxide into the environment by combustion. There are some of the many ways carbon cycles in the environment.

Unknown said...

The video showed how carbon is in everything. It will be used in one thing and then over a period of time be in a whole differnt thing. The carbon can combine with other elements and create new ones. Carbon is what is taken in during photosynthesis to produce oxygen. In cellular respiration is were cells take in oxygen and gives off carbon dioxide.

Unknown said...

The movie was about how different oxygen molecules went through the carbon cycle. They were showing how they reached their carbon. They also showed the different things they became part of. There where things like a bucket, a human, an animal, a dinosaur, or many others. This showed the many differnet places oxygen can be found and is used every day. It showed how the plants used the oxygen and carbon in photosynthesis, and how oxygen and carbon is important in the everyday of cellular respiration, because without it we would not be able to use the energy.

Rina Larson said...

The video talked about how the carbon cycle works through photosynthesis and cellular respiration. It showed how carbon enters the cycle when it begins photosynthesis in the chlorophyll of plants, and how it continues through the cycle when animals use it in cellular respiration. It demonstrated how oil is formed. The movie then explained some of the uses of oil and other forms of carbon in both living and nonliving things. In class, we have discussed how photosynthesis and cellular respiration work. We have covered the steps of photosynthesis, including ATP production, NADH production, and sugar production, as well as the factors that affect photosynthesis. We have also covered the processes that make cellular respiration possible, including glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, the electron transport chain, and fermentation

Unknown said...

well they talked about the carbon cycle and celluar respriration. like how the oxgyen get the carbon and why they oxgyen need the carbon. they talked about alot of different cycle of how they got changed into different stuff. photosynethis is like it helps plants and animals. Cellular Respiration is the process by which cells produce energy from carbohydrates.

Kimberly said...

According to the video, the carbon cycle starts with photosynthesis. The chlorophyll processes the carbon when it combines teh CO2 with Hydrogen and the 2 Oxygen from the H2O go out into the atmosphere, where they enter animals. Carbon can be turned into many things, such as: coal, oil, and limestone, which can be used to make: medicine, plastics, and fuel. In class we learned that enrgy enters an ecosystem when organisms use sunlight during photosynthesis to convert stable carbon dioxide molecules into glucose, a less stable carbon compound;and that photosynthesis takes place in chloroplasts. We also learned that celular respration is the process by which cells produce energy from carbohydrates. If there is no oxygen available during cellular respiration, the cells will go thru fermentation. We also learned that photosynthesis are pretty much the opposite of eachother because: Photosynthesis uses CO2, H2O, and Enrgy to produce O2 and Glucose; whereas Cellular Respiration uses O2 and Glucose to produce CO2, H2O, and Energy.

Unknown said...

The video showed us what exactly happens to carbon and oxygen molecules as they move through the environment. It showed us how carbon is used in photosynthesis to create energy and can be stored in the chloroplast. It showed us that carbon can be released during cellular respiration. Carbon can also bind with hydrogen and oxygen molecules. Carbon can also be stored in coal, oil, plants, and animals. Some things we learned in class about photosynthesis is that light energy is taken in and converted to chemical energy and then into glucose (energy) for the plant. Carbon dioxide is also taken in and then oxygen is released into the atmosphere. Cellular respiration is when oxygen is taken in, along with energy from food they eat. Then carbon dioxide is released.

Unknown said...

The carbon cycle not only makes carbon compounds. It continuously available in an ecosystem but also dilevers chemical energy to oranism living within that ecosystem. The class had talked about how the we give off carbon and then take in oxygen. We breath in the oxygen and then when we breath out we give off carbon.

Unknown said...

The movie was bad it had alot of facts.Carbon is used everyday and we dont even know that.I think the people that were talking as the molecules. The cycle starts out in photosynthesis. I never knew that carbon helped make shells that was probably the only thing i learned in the movie. they had shown how some things use carbon. But the cow part in the movie was dumb because we all use carbon and i think everybody knows that

Unknown said...

In the video it showed how CO2 moved through our environment. It told stories about what some of the Carbons went through. But carbon goes through photosynthesis to start the carbon cycle. It is then put through cellular respiration. Almost everything is made of carbon. It can be found in alot of different places. Oxygen and hydrogen can also bind with carbon.It shows how one carbon could start with a plant millions of years ago, to a dinosaur, all the way to a cow today.

Unknown said...

well it talks about you have to be spinning around in circles or it to be a cycle. Then the carbon that comes from things will get energy if they go through that cycle. Then in cellular respiration cell make the carbon in glucose into stable carbon dioxide molecules. To start photosynthesis chlorophyll has to absorb light energy to start this process. In most plants, light energy is harvested by pigments that are located in the thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts.

Rachel Rogers said...

Photosynthesis is the process where plants, some prokarytoes, and algae absorb the solar energy from the sun to make organic compounds from water along with carbon dioxide. The carbon cycle makes carbon compounds continuously available in an ecosystem and also delivers chemical energy within the ecosystem to living organisms. In the movie carbon we see carbon molecules are very important for many processes such as photosynthesis and cellular respiration. Cellular Respiration is the process where cells produce energy from carbohydrates. We watched how the carbon passed through both plants and animals and how it is used. Energy enters an ecosystem when organisms use sunlight during photosynthesis to convert stable carbon dioxide molecules into glucose, a less stable carbon compound.

Unknown said...

well they talked about what they did in there lives and that showed some of the cycles that the cells could have gone through in there lives

Unknown said...

The carbon cycle not only makes carbon compounds. It also continuously available in an ecosystem. But also delivers chemical energy to organism living within that ecosystem. The class had learned that in the carbon cycle we give it off. Like we would breath in oxygen and then breath out carbon.

Unknown said...

The carbon cycle not only makes carbon compounds. It also continuously available in an ecosystem. But also delivers chemical energy to organism living within that ecosystem. The class had learned that in the carbon cycle we give it off. Like we would breath in oxygen and then breath out carbon.

Unknown said...

The video talked about how carbon and oxygen and everything are combined. Passing through animals, cars, everything, they combine whenever and where ever they need to. When they are no longer needed, they are like a person no longer needed at work, unemployed.