Tuesday, March 3, 2009


What is a histones and what are they used for?


:)~*punte*~:) said...

A histone is a type of protein molecule found in the chromosomes of eukaryotic cells but not prokaryotic cells. They are the first level of packaging is done by histones. A group of 8 come together to dorm a histone core.

Michele said...

A histone is a type of protein molecule found in the chromosomes of eukaryotic cells. They are used to package. A long DNA molecule is wound around histone cores.

.:*{briana alexis}*:. said...

A histone is a type of protein molecule found in the chromosomes of eukaryotic cells but not prokaryotic cells. Eight histones come together to create a disc-shaped histone core. DNA molecules are wound around a series of histone cores in a regular manner. Those two form a nucleosome.

Mitchell Haaland said...

It is a type of protein molecule found in chromosome of eukaryotic cells but nor prokaryotic cells. 8 of these makes a histone chord and they are 30 nm in diameter

Abertsch10-11 said...

Histone is a type of protein molecule found in the chromosomes of eukaryotic cells but found in prokaryotic cells. They package as a class of proteins. Thats what a histone is.

taylorjo said...

Histones are a type of protein molecule found in the chromosomes of eukaryotic cells. They are not found in prokaryotic cells. A group of histones come together to form a disc-shaped core. Dna winds around it, and a nucleus is formed.

cvosika2011 said...

Histones are the first level of packaging is done by a class of proteins. THey are used for making a disc and dna winds around it, making a nucleus.

Casey said...

A histone is a type or protein molecule found in the chromosomes of eukaryoticd cells but not prokaryotic cells. A group of eight histones come together to form a disc-shaped histone core. DNA winds around it and it forms a nucleus.

Casey said...

A histone is a type or protein molecule found in the chromosomes of eukaryoticd cells but not prokaryotic cells. A group of eight histones come together to form a disc-shaped histone core. DNA winds around it and it forms a nucleus.

Carson Stange said...

Histones the proteins that are responsible for the first level of packaging. A group of eight histones come together to form a disc-shaped histone core. They are used for packaging DNA so they DNA molecules dont get tangled up during cell division.

Paul N said...

A histone is a type of protein molecule found in the chromosomes of eukaryotic cells but not prokaryotic cells. The first level of packaging is done by histones. A group of 8 come together to form a histone core.

Tina said...

Histones are a class of proteins. They are used as the first levele of packaging in chromatin. A group of eight histones come together to form a disc-shaped histone core. The long DNA molecule is wound around a series of histone core and the DNA around it. Under an electron mircroscope, this level of packaging resembles beads on a string. The string of nucleosomes line up in a spiral to form a cord that is 30nm in diameter.

travis s. said...

Histones are types of protein molecules that are found in the chromosones or eukaryotic cells. They are used for packaging. They also have a long DNA molecule wound around it's core.

Fuhrman#34 said...

Histones are any of several small, basic proteins most commonly found in association with the DNA in the chromatin of eukaryotes. They are any of several proteins that, together with DNA, make up most of the chromatin in a cell nucleus.

chad said...

A histone is a type of protein molecule found in the chromosomes of eukaryotic cells but not prokaryotic cells. They are the first level of packaging is done by histones and that is awesome.

Jon said...

a histone is a type of protien molecule that is in the chromosomes of a eukaryotic but not prokaryotic cells. they are the first level of packaging is done by the by the histones.

-Fisch- said...

A histone is basically a type of protein molecule found in the chromosomes of the eukaryotic cells. They are used to package a long DNA molecule that is wound around histone cores

:P!:')*!~*(Miranda)*!~*:')!:P said...

A histone is a protein molecule found in chromosomes of eukaryotic cells only. They are first level of packaging is done which is called a histone. It is used to package. Also they come together to form a disc-shaped histone core.