Thursday, December 4, 2008

Make a Difference

What is some way that you are able to do help make a difference in our planet?


:P!:')*!~*(Miranda)*!~*:')!:P said...

Some things that we can do is try and keep the pollution down like throwing away thrash in the garbage instead of throwing it in the water or just on the ground. And instead of drving cars and polltuting the air you could ride bike or walk. Use better cleaning products.

Jon said...

some things we could do are things like recycle and easy things like use less of everything. I really think that we should stop driving so heavy gas guzzling cars or trucks and just treat the earth better.

.:*{briana alexis}*:. said...

WE CAN RECYCLE! Reduce, reuse, recycle like we do in basketball, but instead we GO BLUE instead of Going Green! You can walk instead of drive. You can do things less harmful to the environment.

Casey said...

There are a lot of different ways that you can help make a difference in our planet. One of those things is driving efficient vehicles. They can get better gas mileage which means that you will use less gas. There are a lot of things that you can do to make a difference in our planet.

:)~*punte*~:) said...

There are many things that we can do to make a difference in our planet. Some of then are recycling, reducing the amounts of CO2 we emit. Ways that we can do that are carpooling, changing the lightbulbs in our home, unplugging electronics, and shutting the lights off. There are just a few of the many things that we can do.

taylorjo said...

Some ways taht we can make a difference in the world is to recycle. You can also unplug things that you are not using. You can go green also, which is pretty much recycling. There are many things that you can do to help make make a differnce in our planet.

Mitchell Haaland said...

when you are at home, turn some lights that you are not using.

Mitchell Haaland said...

when you are at home, turn some lights that you are not using.

chad said...

We can reduce our pollution from air pollution and also try to reduce recycle and reuse the resources that we have in the world we also should go to more renewable reasources. Or we all just leave and go to a different planet.

Michele said...

A big way that we can help our planet is recycle. Don't use plastic bags. Also turn off appliances and unplug them when theyre not in use. You can also help by using less heat- turn heat in house lower, take shorter showers, use less hot water. There are many ways in which you can make a difference. Plant trees, use solar energy, and dont pollute.

travis s. said...

A couple of things that we can do to help save our planet are stop driving so much when it's unecessary. If you are only going to like 2 blocks or something you can walk or ride a bike. We could also recycle more materials instead of putting so many things to waste.

Tina said...

One thing that I can do is watch how many resources that I use. I can try to make sure to turn off lights when I am not in the room. I can also try to not drive more than I have to.

Paul N said...

We can start recycling everything. We can lowe our pollution. It would help if we did mass transportation instead of all owning cars.

-Fisch- said...

WE can do alot of things to try to keep the pollution down along with our carbon footprint. Well first off... Just do simple things like take shorter showers. even little things like that can help. Get engerystar appliacnes and efficient lightbulbs. Just simple things like this make all the difference so if you want to help look some stuff and do it dont wait for someone else to take action.. Like they said in the 11th hour .. Americans always do the right thing, after they have exhauseted every other option and this is so true we need to get things under control before its to late look at alot of Europe they have been doing things to reduce their pollution for quite sometime now while we keep pumping out the pollution. Im not sayin they are perfect but its a start we need to get a handle on this problem before its to late and everyone can help so dont thinks that just you doing something right wont help every bit helps and by you doint the right thing you might encourage others to do the same.