Tuesday, December 9, 2008


What did you learn from today's lab?


:P!:')*!~*(Miranda)*!~*:')!:P said...

i learned that the more sulferic acid we use the lower the numbers are. And that acid are lower and bases have higher numbers. I learned also that you have to dump the deionized water ouver the probe or it will contaminate the probe and you won't have an accurate reading. And different water might have different ph level than others.

.:*{briana alexis}*:. said...

I learned about the sulfuric acid. Also, we saw how it can affect the pH levels. We saw that when we used the sulfuric acid it lowered the pH level. Thats about all that we learned.

:)~*punte*~:) said...

I learned that different samples of water have different buffering capacities. I also learned that if they have different buffering capacities then their pH is different. And when you add the sulfiric acid it greatly affects the pH of the solution.

taylorjo said...

I learned that there are many different things that affect the acidity of a solution. The lower the numbers are the more acidic it is. The higher the numbers the less acidic the solution is. When we added the sulfuric acid, then the pH level changed and it either lowered, or it go higher.

Casey said...

I learned that it doesnt take very much acid to change the ph of something. It is kind of cool how much it changes it. It was a pretty good lab.

travis s. said...

I learned that acids affect different waters' pH levels in different ways. If you have water from different areas and different creatures living in there, making the waters pH different which makes the acid affect it differently. So the more base in the water, the less it will be effected.

Michele said...

We learned about pH level. By doing our tests it showed that acid will lower somethings pH level. Different things can effect it.

ANDYbertsch26 said...

I learned that sulferic acid is bad!!!! I also learned that it was a pretty boring/educational lab. All in all i'd say it was a sucess