Monday, December 1, 2008

Carbon Footprint

What is your carbon footprint? What can you do to make it smaller?


Carson Stange said...

Your carbon footprint is your measure of the impact of human activities on the environment. Your carbon footprint includes the green house gasses you release. You can make it smaller by being more efficient by driving less, insulating your house, and using energy efficient appliances.

:)~*punte*~:) said...

Carbon footprint- the measure of the impact of human activities on the environment. This includes the green house gasses that you release. Some things that you can do to make it less is insulating your home, drive less, and be energy efficient.

Paul N said...

Your carbon footprint is your impact of human activities on the enviornment. Your carbon footprint includes the appliances you use and how far you drive a day. You can use things that have less carbon emissions.

taylorjo said...

A carbon footprint is the measure of the impact of the human activiies on the enviromnemt. Green house gasses that you release are included in this. Ways that you can make it smaller is being energy efficient, drive less, and insulate your house.

Michele said...

Your carbon footprint is the measurment of human activity impact on the environment. It is also like the gasses you release, and how you effect the earth. To make it smaller- driving less, use electricity less and conserve energy, and make your house efficient.

Casey said...

Your carbon footprint is the measure of the impact of human activities on the environment. This is like pollution and different things like that. There are a lot of different things that you can do to make it smaller. You can recycle, drive cars that are more efficient and try to reduce pollution.

.:*{briana alexis}*:. said...

Your carbon footprint is the measure of human activitie's impact on the environment. You can make it smaller by walking or riding your bike more and driving less. You can use energy effiecient things.

travis s. said...

A persons carbon footprint is their measure of human activities in the environment. My carbon footprint was measured at 12. People can change how they light and heat their houses. They could also drive less and that will make them emit less gases from their vehicles.

Jon said...

My carbon footprint is the measure of my activities on the environment. It includes the gas and emmisions that you release into the air. You can decrease it by driving less and not using as much energy or things like that.

Tina said...

Your carbon footprint is the amount of effect on the Earth that you have. Mine was 14. That is a good one. Some things that I can do more of is unplugging things when I do am not using them. Also, I can try to drive less if possible.

chad said...

It is amount of carbon you emit through varies activities like through car what you eat can also effect you carbon footprint. YOu can not drive as much also you can watch what you eat and use energy efficient light bulbs.