Thursday, November 4, 2010

The 11th Hour

What is something that you saw of the movie today that you didn't know about before and how do you think it is going to affect your future?


Rina Larson said...

I didn't know that, without fossil fuels such as oil and coal, the Earth would only be able to hold about half a billion to one billion people, instead of the six billion that it currently holds today. This shows how completely necessary it is for our society to preserve fossil fuels because we need them in order for the Earth to sustain the amount of people it currently is supporting.

Pete said...

One connection that I didn't put together was the reason population was small before the industrial revolustion was because they could only use the sun for energy. Now we use the sun, water, wind, and alot of fossil fuels what allow what give us energy to support a large modern population of people.

Tooker said...

Before the movie today, I didn’t know that global warming was caused by carbon being released into the atmosphere from under the ocean. I knew that it was released by industrial buildings and that it is causing global warming. The ice caps melt which creates less solar energy. If we don’t reduce the number of fuels we are using, the world will increase to a temperature that is too hot to support life. When you knock down trees and there are large amounts of water, which is 57 gallons of water that are still flooding the area.

Boschee said...

I wasn't aware that one single tree could contain about 57 gallons of water, and when humans cut one down, in the process of deforastation, it can cause major flooding. Also, I didn't know we needed fossil fuels to survive on the Earth, which is why we need to start controlling how we use them, and start being more caustious, otherwise the Earth wont be able to hold as many humans as it does today.

Armstrong said...

Well, I didn’t know that we were putting that many pollutants in the air. I didn’t know that we are putting more than 30% of C0₂ into the air by burning fossil fuels and driving cars. This is going to affect our future because if we put a lot of pollutants in the air then it will warm the air which will cause our glaciers to melt which will flood our lands. It could also cause many more hurricanes and tsunamis to happen. If this all happens then our human species will die out and the animals will die out also.

Tennison said...

I didnt know before i saw the movie that just a few changes in the temperature can drastically change the enviroment like melt the ice caps so fast. I also didnt know that we needed machines from industrial revolution just to get our population over 1 billion people.

mehlhoff said...

I learned that everyone before the industrial revolution relied on the sun for everything, such as food. I also didn't realize how many fossil fuels we actaully use and how much of it gets turned into pollution. I was stunned that a single tree can hold 57 gallons of water and that if its cut down it could cause a flood.

Rachel Rogers said...

I wasn't aware that as deforestation occurss that area can turn into desert. Since the trees will no longer be there, soil erosion will occur and the ground will no longer be fertile. This could destroy many habitats and kill off many species. Not very many species can survive in the hot, dry climate of the desert, and along with this, we loose important farming ground. When our ecosystems suffer, it harms our human race. In the future, if we continue to progress on how we are today, we could see a major drop in human population numbers because our ecosystem can no longer support us.

Emily L said...

Something that I learned from the video today was how much global warming is affecting the arctic. I knew that it was affecting it somewhat but I had no idea that it was melting it so much. I thought it was also very interesting how they talked about we are really causing our own death by polluting the environment. I think this is a great way to make people realize that we all need to be more careful with our resources and be more resourceful and respectful to our environment.

Unknown said...

I didnt know that we are putting so many pollutants into the air and the water. I also liked that leanardo dicaprio was in the movie. it made things quite interesting. But we need to stop putting pollutants into the air and the water other wise we wont be able to live here anymore. Humans are like a virus. we multiply and we use all of our natural resources until that area has nothing left. then we move to a new area and we use up all of the resources in that area. we will do this until all of our natural resources are gone and we cant live hare. we are like a virus because we multiply without control and we kill our host.

Unknown said...

I didnt know that deforestation was quite as bad as they showed and that if we go back to living off the sun we will only be able to have a population of half a million people on the world

Unknown said...

What I took from the video is the pollution is the casue of global warming. Global warming is affecting the temperatures throughout the world. The ice bergs in the artic are melting. The affects of the melting ice bergs casues less sunlight to be reflected back out to space. So this casuses the temperatures to rise.

Unknown said...

One thing that I learned that I did not know before was that the over all reason that the population is so high is bcause of the sunlight and fossil fuels unlike long ago it was just the sun that gave us light and energy.

Unknown said...

I didn't know that deforestation caused deserts to form, and that once a rain forest is cleared the soil becomes dry and almost like a wasteland. I also didn't know that fossil feuls are the only way that our Earth can hold more than a half million people. I also never thought that deforestation would cause flooding because I never knew trees used that much water.

Unknown said...

i didnt now that globel warning had the much effect on hte environment, or that there was that meany wack jobs as sceintist.

bulldozer said...

I didn't know that our temperature is slowly rising but eventually it will get so hot that we won't be able to live in it. I also didn't know that global warming is caused by the ocean giving off carbon dioxide not only by the factories. Also that without oil and coal our world would not be able to hold the six billion people that it does now.

Landon said...

Well...if we only ran on daylight the Earth wouldnt support near the number of people we have today and that Leonardo DiCaprio is such a hippie...thats besides the point. I also didnt know that a single tree cut down could cause severe flooding because it could hold up to 57 gallons of water.

Unknown said...

I didnt know that the world was actually getting worse and worse because of the way we homosapiens treat it. Hopefully i and my children are not here when the world ends.

Unknown said...

well i learn the the global warming thing is really messed up. I also learned that the pollution that we are send out into the air is affecting the way are climate is.

Unknown said...

I didnt know that we depend on fossil fuels so much

Unknown said...

I learned that over time the global warming will increase even more, especially in the next couple years and this could lead to droughts throughout the country and also to us receiving more tragic events such as Katrina on such a regular basis that it would seem normal. It could make us have a tough time surviving or even wanting to survive and that could be devastating on its own.

Unknown said...

I didnt realize that the forest is being destroyed everyday. It is killing animals and killing the enviroment. With no trees people would die. Fossil fuels take a while to be produces but we still burn them and that pollutes the enviroment.

Unknown said...

I didn't know all the problems we were causing for the ocean life. We are polluting it heavily and causing the water temperatures to warm up. This could kill every species in the ocean. It's going to affect us because people will lose jobs and we'll lose the fish that we eat.

Unknown said...

Well fossil fuels and how it can pollute the air we breathe in and it make the air dirty and if we keep breathing in that air we will die. Everyone will die but fossil fuels are a good thing because they support us.

Kimberly said...

I didn't know that if we didn't have fossil fuels, Earth wouldn't be so overpopulated, because there wouldn't be enough resources to support all the life that we are able to support by using fossil fuels.

Unknown said...

Well i didnt know that if we didnt have fossil fuels that our world couldnt even hold half of the people that it does now.

Unknown said...

Well i didnt know that a little bit of a temperature change could effect the world so drasically, and that cutting down trees in the rainforest dont grow back and it becomes a desert. We need to figure out how to preseve these trees because they help us out so much.

Unknown said...

Before we watched the video in class I didn't know that the trees in the rain forest didn't grow back after they had been choped down. This will afect us in the future because the C02 that is thrown out into the atmosphere can't be recycled as fast as it use to.

Unknown said...

I didnt know that, fossil fuels such as coal is getting very scarce and that once you use coal that it takes millions of years to come back, because it is a non renewable reasource.