After learning about all of these different types of genetic disorders do you feel like people are going to start using genetic counselors more and more. Is it ethically and morally correct to determine which children are born based on their DNA code?
I think people should use genetic counselors more and possibly will. I don't think they should determine which babies are born though by which DNA code is found. If they found that the baby will have a disorder then the parents would be able to get more prepared to deal with the newborn once he/she is born.
I don't think so because it is not in the news and a common topic. We are not prone to the diseases in the real world. I think it is ethically correct though because we are able to diagnose the disease and treat it. People may think that the scientist are incorrect but they are just trying to help.
People should use genetic counselors. That way they will know what they could have. I think they should determine which babies are born. The parents would know earlier.
i Think that people probably will start to use more genectic counselors in the future. I think that they hsouldnt be able to determine which ones are born, throught DNA code because thats not right. It could just help thte parents get more prepared and to know wut ot expect.
yes i think that they will start using them more. i think that it is ok to determine which one is born. i think it is a good idea to use genetic counselors.
I think that people will start to use genetic counselors in the future. I dont think its very ethical to say which kids could be born because of their DNA code. It could help the parents figure out what they need to do when there child comes along so they can live a normal life.
i think that people will start useing it more. i think some poeple should just not loppppppppppppppppppppppppppp[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[k have kids. the world is going to die because there is going to be to many poeple in the world that are worthless to me. i dont want to die because of fat lazy people
I think more and more people will start to use genetic counselors. It will help the couple in understanding the possibility of thier child being born will a disease. I think that scientists should be able to test for diseases but not determine wich babies are born.
I think people should use genetic counselors, but there is no way to 100% determine if a child will be born with a disease. If the parents are informed before the child is born, then they can be prepared to get the child the help it needs so it can grow up normally.
I do think that with recent technology, people will use genetic counselors. I think it is a good idea to have one, especially if a genetic disorder runs in your family. As far as determining which children are born based off of their DNA, I think it's a good idea so then if your child will have that disorder you are ready and prepared when they are born with how to handle the issues that will come up.
I think more people will get counselors so their life is easier. I think you should find out so the parents know if their child has a genetic diesease. If the parents know in advance then it will make them more prepared so the child will have a better life.
I think that people will starting using the genetic counselors more often. I dont think that people should determine which babies are born by which DNA code is found. That really isnt right, but if they find a mutation in the DNA strand then the parents can be ready for the baby when he or she is born and get the baby ready for therapy.
after learning about all of the different types of genetic disorders; i feel that people will begin to use genetic counselors more and more. i really dont think it is morally correct for the parents to find out if their child would have a disease but then again it would be good b/c then the parents good get prepared for it and what not.
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