Monday, February 4, 2008


What is Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM)?


Tiffany said...

The scanning tunneling microscope is used to obtain otomic scale images of metal surfaces. It shows a 3-D image of a surface, which is useful for determining defects and roughness.

matt said...

STM stands for scanning tunnling microsope. Like any microscope it is used to see objects up close. It is mainly used to see otomic scale images of metal surfaces and shows a 3-D image of the surface.

Tristen said...

STM is used for objects that are otomic scale images of metal surfaces. It shows a 3 dimensional view of the surface. This is used for determining any defects and roughness of the surface.

Bierman said...

STM stands for scanning tunnling microsope. Like any microscope it is used to see objects up close. It is mainly used to see otomic scale images of metal surfaces and shows a 3-D image of the surface.

Silly Willy said...

STM stands for scanning tunneling microscope. It used to obtain otomic scal images of metal surfaces. It shows up in 3-D images.

Kendall said...

STM is short for scanning tunneling microscope. It is use to see close up objects. Scientists use it to see 3-D images of surfaces.

SMAX said...

STM stands for scanning tunnling microsope. Like any microscope it is used to see objects up close. It is mainly used to see otomic scale images of metal surfaces and shows a 3-D image of the surface.

Kayla said...

STM is a scanning tunnling microscope. Its used to see objects up closer. It is used to show a 3-D image of an object.

chris said...

STM stands for scanning tunneling miroscope. It is used to see objects up close. It is maily used to see otomic scale images of metal surfaces and shows a 3-D image of the surface.

Matt G said...

The scanning tunneling microscope is used to get images of the metal. You cen get 3-D images. you cen study the surace.

bean said...

scanning tunnling microscope is stm. it is for looking at things close. it shows 3d image of the surface.

chelsea said...

STM is scanning tunnling microscope. This is used to see a 3D view of the surface of an aboject. This could show the defects and also the roughness of the surface.

Anonymous said...

its used to see scale immages of metals, it has a 3d image of the surface,the structure of a surface is studied using a stylus that scans the surface at a fixed distance from it

~|~Heather~|~ said...

A scanning tunnelin microscope is a otomic scale device that uses a moving needle and the tunnel effect to generate a maplike image of the atomic surface structure of matter

..::..Fair..::.. said...

The scanning tunneling microscope is used to see objects up close. It is also used to see otomic scale images of metal surfaces and shows a 3-D image of the surface. It can show defects and roughness of the surface.

rach said...

a scanning tunneling microscope(STM) its used to view otomic scale images of surfaces taht are metal and has a 3D image