Thursday, February 14, 2008

Preview time

Yesterday everyone got to pick their own genetic disease. Tell me something that you found on that disease that you didn't know about.


matt said...

PKU is the inability for the body to use an amino acid properly. In this disease the body has a certain chemical that it doesn't break down. It can cause the arteries to clog because this chemical accumulates.

Kendall said...

I found out that Williams syndrome is a very rare genetic disorder. It can cause mental retardation and can make you extremely friendly. It also gives you cardiovascular diseases in which the arteries become narrower.

chris said...

My disease was tay-sachs, and I found that if you get tay-sachs you usally die by the age of five. I also learned that over time a child can become blind, deaf, mentally retarded, paralyzed, and non responsive to the environment. Tay-sachs is definently not a disease that you want to have

chelsea said...

I picked Turner Syndrome. In this disease a girl only has one X chromosome instead of 2. I didn't know that this caused her to not develop properly and they are on average 4 feet 7 inches tall.

Tiffany said...

Albinism is most common among white people. It is a malfunction of an amino acid, which stimulates the creation of pigment. Pigment is what colors your hair, skin, and eyes.

..::..Fair..::.. said...

I picked Wilson's Disease. It is a rare genetic disease. 1 out of every 30,000 people get this. It is caused by copper build up in the body. Normal people can get rid of the extra copper in our body's, but people with Wilson's Disease cant. There are a lot of different symptoms. This is a bad disease.

Kayla said...

My disease is cri-du-chat. I found out that when the baby is born it meows instead of cries. Its not a very common disease.

Tristen said...

My disease is Sickle-cell anemia. I found out that it is most common in regions where mosquito born malaria is present. Also, people that carry this disease have a higher tolerance to malaria than any other person.