Friday, February 1, 2008


How are we able to tell one person genes from someone body elses genes?


Silly Willy said...

Everyone has a different DNA sequence. This is how we are able to tell one person's genes from another. Peoples DNA is different from each other unless they are twins or something like that.

Bierman said...

Almost everyone has different DNA. If they are twins they don't. Everyone else does.

Kendall said...

Everyone in the world, excluding identical twins, has different DNA sequences. These differences make it easy to see how one person is different from the other. Thats how we tell one persons genes from someone elses.

chris said...

Everybody has different DNA. Nobody has the same genes everybody is different. They only way someone would have the same genes is if they were a twin.

Tiffany said...

Each and every person (excluding identical twins) has a unique sequence in their DNA.

SMAX said...

Everybody has DNA. They are twins they do not have DNA. Everybody else has different DNA.

..::..Fair..::.. said...

Everybody has different DNA sequences. Identical twins have the same genes though. You can look at the gene sequence and see whose is whose by comparing the two.

chelsea said...

Everybody's DNA sequences are different. Unless you are twins, it would be easy to tell by looking at the DNA sequence. When you compare the two DNA you will see the differences between them.

Tristen said...

Every person has a different type of DNA. The reason we can tell people apart is from their genes, the genes are very similar and contain the same bases but they are in a different sequence. Although, twins have the same DNA, everyone else has different DNA, this process is much like fingerprints, everyone has different ones.

Anonymous said...

Everyone has their own DNA just like everyone has their own fingerprints. The difference is in the DNA sequence.

matt said...

Everyone is a different person with different parents. Our parents determine what our gene sequence. Twins can have similar gene sequences but many times there is atleast one change in the gene sequence.

sweet said...

everybody has different dha and thats why we can differ tham from each other