Friday, February 22, 2008

Blood Types

What is the importance of blood typing and how do we pass those genes onto your offspring?


crystaldragon said...

it matters what the parents are. why is it important to get your blood typed because when you are in an actindent you can get the right type of blood. if you get the wrong type of blood your body will not react the way the doctors want it to.

Matt G said...

it is in importan to get the right type of blood in you. if you don't your body will regeket it. that will not de good.

matt said...

Like the genetic diseases that we are studying, we get our blood type from our parents. It can cause mutaions if you don't get the right blood type because the blood can be made up of different substances. You also want the right blood type because it might be able to cause a disease if it reacts wrongly and your body could try and fight the blood.

Bierman said...

the genetic diseases that we are studying, we get our blood type from our parents. It can cause mutaions if you don't get the right blood type because the blood can be made up of different substances. You also want the right blood type because it might be able to cause a disease if it reacts wrongly and your body could try and fight the blood.

bean said...

Like the genetic diseases that we are studying, we get our blood type from our parents. It can cause mutaions if you don't get the right blood type because the blood can be made up of different substances. You also want the right blood type because it might be able to cause a disease if it reacts wrongly and your body could try and fight the blood.

Gil said...

people get their blood type from theyre parents. anything that bad that parents have they can pass down. people also are starting to learn about all of the things that can cause problems

Kendall said...

We get our blood types from our parents. If you dont get the right blood type you have a chance to get mutations because blood is made up of diferent substances. Its also good to get the right bloodtype because it can cause diseases if it reacts wrong with your body.

chris said...

You get your blood type from your parents. It can cause mutations if you don't get the right blood type. You want the right blood type because it might cause a disease if it reacts wrongly and your body rejects it.

Silly Willy said...

It can cause mutaions if you don't get the right blood type because the blood can be made up of different substances. You also want the right blood type because it might be able to cause a disease if it reacts wrongly and your body could try and fight the blood.Like the genetic diseases that we are studying, we get our blood type from our parents.

SMAX said...

the genetic diseases that we are studying, we get our blood type from our parents. It can cause mutaions if you don't get the right blood type because the blood can be made up of different substances. You also want the right blood type because it might be able to cause a disease if it reacts wrongly and your body could try and fight the blood.

rach said...

we get our blood types from our parents, if you get the right blood type you have a chance to get mutations b/c blood is made up of different substances. its good to get the right blood type b/c it can cause disease if it reacts wrong w/your body.

Tiffany said...

Blood typing is important because if you get hurt, you might need a blood transfusion. If someone recieves the wrong kind of blood, they could die.
blood type genes are passed on to offspring, so there is usually only two possible blood types, unless the child recieves a recessive trait.

chelsea said...

It is important to know your blood type in case you would need a blood transfusion or something if you have lost a lot of blood. If you would happen to be given the wrong blood your body would react and it could cause many problems. We get our genes from our parents so if they both have A blood we would get A blood.

Tristen said...

Blood typing is important because your get your specific type of blood from your parents. Some times, like if you need blood to use as a cure for something, then your parents are sometimes the only one that can give you the blood you need to help you. Also if you get the wrong type of blood, that can cause you problems because it will be a new substance in your body that is unknown to the body.

bean said...

the blood type we get is from our parents. if the right blood type is not gotten it may cause mutations like chris. so make sure you gots the right blood type.

Kayla said...

The offspring needs to get the right type of blood in order to live. Blod types can prove who the real father is. Blood typing is also important when the person is in need of a blood transplant.